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Search results

  1. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari 2. Your age: 20 3. Time zone: GMT+05:30 4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs. 5. Your Discord: captainnawab39322 6. Your Nickname: Viking Nawab 7. Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service) 2. Why...
  2. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari Your age: 20 Time zone: GMT+5:30 Average online per day: 5-7 hours. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 Your Nickname: Viking Nawab Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I am in the city from a long time, and I can't say...
  3. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari Your age: 20 Time zone: GMT+5:30 Average online per day: 5-7 hours. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 Your Nickname: Iking Nawab Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I am in the city from a long time, and I can't say...
  4. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari Your age: 20 Time zone: GMT+5:30 Average online per day: 5-7 hours. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 Your Nickname: Iking Nawab Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I am in the city from a long time, and I can't say...
  5. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari Your age: 20 Time zone: GMT+5:30 Average online per day: 5-7 hours. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 Your Nickname: Iking Nawab Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I am in the city from a long time, and I can't say...
  6. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari Your age: 20 Time zone: GMT+5:30 Average online per day: 5-7 hours. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 Your Nickname: Iking Nawab Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1.Why do you want to become an admin? I have been in city for a year and have made...
  7. Mehtab Nawab

    Reviewed Ban for Gen rule 1.4 | Nik Payne

    Dear Lebron, Today we got banned for g.r 1.4 me and my roommate. i dont have more account then 2 i only I'd 89157 (main) which is already banned and i play now with my twink's I'd is 98157. my roommate Iking Mafia I'd is 130483 and he doesn't have twink account. we never share our account we...
  8. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

    Information 1. Your name IRL: Mehtab Ansari 2. Your age: 20 3. Time zone: GMT+05:30 4. Average online per day: 6 to 8 hrs. 5. Your Discord: nawabiking89157 6. Your Nickname: Iking Nawab 7. Your ID: 98376 Additional information 1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service) 2. Why do...
  9. Mehtab Nawab

    Appreciation to administrators

    Your nickname: Iking Nawab 2. The administrator's nickname: Irfu Federal 3. The essence of gratitude (claims): I think he's a new Administrator of the server, and he's doing his job flawlessly, I have seen him helping people with professionalism.
  10. Mehtab Nawab

    IMPORTANT Applications for Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

    Information 1. Your name IRL : Mehtab Ansari 2. Your age : 20 3. Time zone : GMT+05:30 4. Average online per day : 6 to 8 hrs 5. Your Discord : nawabiking89157 6. Your Nickname : Iking Nawab 7. Your ID : 98376 Additional information 1. Leader of EMS (Emergency Medical Service) 2. Why do...
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