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  1. youssef imam

    Appreciation to Administrators

    1. Your nickname: Yousef Hellkings 2. The administrator's nickname: Zoro DHellking 3. The essence of gratitude (claims): Kind and helpful to everyone.
  2. youssef imam

    Rejected Unban appeal | Jon Barnes

    Sorry, I wrote the wrong ID, my id 64382
  3. youssef imam

    Rejected Unban appeal | Jon Barnes

    Dear Adminstrator.I got punishment for GR 3.1 + Religion I did not know that this talk was forbidden, and I assure you that this will not happen again, and I love being in society with my friends. I hope you forgive me, and thank you.
  4. youssef imam

    Rejected provoking | 51228 19422

    all on pov
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