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  1. TheGraphicer

    Reviewed Ban For G.R 1.8 | Adham Pluxury

    i just did bad desicion and its my fault i dont know rules exactly and i just decided if you can remove passed the money can you open my ban ?? i just realized this my fault and im upset because of it you can remove the passed money and my twink account is it possible?? pls..
  2. TheGraphicer

    Rejected PG | 40722

  3. TheGraphicer

    Approved Unban Appeal for GR 4.1| Elon Moose

    this is the proof of removed
  4. TheGraphicer

    Approved Unban Appeal for GR 4.1| Elon Moose

    video got copyright because of background music this same video
  5. TheGraphicer

    Approved Unban Appeal for GR 4.1| Elon Moose

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/423171/ Im Using Only Graphics Buffer I dont know about illegal redux or something My friend just offer me Network Graphics for more graphic quality i just using for that i dont care the illegal activity or something im just driving my car I just got for it 60...
  6. TheGraphicer

    Reviewed Requesting Pov | 27573

  7. TheGraphicer

    Approved Pov Request | 1354

    i was searching last leos and this happened to me
  8. TheGraphicer

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.7| Adham PLuxury

    Hello adminstration team. Me and a lot of my family member got banned today for Event Rule 1.7. Nobody informed us POV's should be delivered to adminstration team before 22:00. We have all the POV's of our team members it says POV's should be stored for 48 Hours. It doesn't say it should be...
  9. TheGraphicer

    Approved RDM | 7635

  10. TheGraphicer

    Approved N-word, Parent Insult | 12871

    what watching anime while Food Truck Isnt allowed XD
  11. TheGraphicer

    Approved N-word, Parent Insult | 12871

  12. TheGraphicer

    Rejected Application for National Guard ID 141793

    did you in the ng before ?
  13. TheGraphicer

    Pending review Combat Log | 133488

  14. TheGraphicer

    Rejected National Guard | Chris Schmidtt | 135414

    - You need More experince for operating one Organization
  15. TheGraphicer

    Rejected National Guard | Chris Schmidtt | 135414

    You need More experince for operating one Organization
  16. TheGraphicer

    Rejected Leader of NG | Kay ToeFoot

    2.Your Age : 14 Nice joke we need responsible leader not a kid
  17. TheGraphicer

    Rejected Leader Of National Guard | Tuna AFRİNDERİN

    Will be a worthy leader for the national guard. The only person who helped me when I was in NG.
  18. TheGraphicer

    Rejected Leader Of National Guard | Tuna AFRİNDERİN

    Will be a worthy leader for the national guard. The only person who helped me when I was in NG.
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