Hello support team I thank you very much for reading this message. I know I made a mistake and I admit my mistake and I did not know the rules of the game well. I hope you will give me another chance and if I am ready to clear the money this time is my last hope and I apologize for disturbing...
Hello sir I have been banned from GR1.8 When I got banned I went to my friends and told them the reason for my ban They told me that I was banned for transferring property or money. I didn't know that. I started playing the game a year ago and I remembered that I made a mistake a year ago. I...
Dear Server 3 EN Administrators, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request that my account Pablo Khan ID:69333 be unbanned. I now realize that sharing items was against the server rules and for that I sincerely apologize. A few days ago, I shared items from my account It was...
Hello management team, I have been banned from GR1.8 When I got banned I went to my friends and told them the reason for my ban. They told me that I was banned for transferring property or money. I didn't know that. I started playing the game a year ago and I remembered that I made a mistake a...
https://mega.nz/file/7iIgjBRA#GtiDiXPP_la8zGjWvtDTs_vpDvIXyCjvpUqeYkBooAc Do not try to deceive the officials because your writing was taken as a picture and I expected it to be deleted. Again, learn from your mistakes.
He talks about things that happened outside the game and tells me that he will receive a penalty and acts in fear. He got my number from the advertisements phone number 2333324
I object to his words. 10 seconds have passed since the accident. I stayed in the red and then entered the green zone. Therefore, I did not break the law. Other than that, they use toxic substances and stand here every day to provoke people. They break all the rules. They do not respect the...
He threatens me and insults my mother for no reason and uses words outside the game to threaten. On top of that, he cut the video and did not see how many parts of it he threatens, which is me
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