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  1. Ace Seagal

    Reviewed After BM red FIB confisticket my car

    (No of topic) you can see the left eye we use the commands and there should be punishment to you for fear rp
  2. Ace Seagal

    Approved FL in GZ|78326

    Like wait what forum for fl ?
  3. Ace Seagal

    Approved GR.6.4 | 6318

    This person left GOV with a lawyer license, joined LSPD, and was asked to give back his lawyer license so he joined FIB and started baling people without authorisation. Then I see him doing this .
  4. Ace Seagal

    Rejected Fail Rp | 56725

    we was having a lawyer sit he the lawyer said me to uncuff him for signing his letter but he do code a or he shut his game
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