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  1. N

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Vinay Reddie

    I am shooting him and he should run to save his life but he is not running to save his life.. This is absolutely FAIL RP
  2. N

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Vinay Reddie

    POV is short and not showing whole situation, we gave him demands to leave.. He cut the video where he was ramming, going under the bridge, running from Red zone to Green zone. He have to show whole POV for the right punishment.
  3. N

    Rejected GR 6.15 | ID 67651

    Me and my friend was trying to finish some office task's (fixing someone else's car) Than ID 67651 is coming from nowhere for no reason or RP situation giving my friend demands for no reason than he shoots me. Than he took me to jail and lied that i tried to murder him which you can see in POV...
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