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Search results

  1. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Cheats Discord | Raiky Broddy

    I served the 60 days as i am guilty but it is perma ban but I lastly ask you to please check logs once please so it is being clear at all
  2. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Cheats Discord | Raiky Broddy

    Hey Grand RP EN 2 Admin Team, I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out regarding the ban I received for being part of a cheats Discord server. I was initially banned for 60 days, and I completely accepted that punishment because I was guilty of not being more careful. At the time, I wasn’t...
  3. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Cheats Discord | Raiky Broddy

    Hey Grand RP EN 2 Admin Team, I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out regarding the ban I received for being part of a cheats Discord server. I was initially banned for 60 days, and I completely accepted that punishment because I was guilty of not being more careful. At the time, I wasn’t...
  4. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Wrong descision | Raiky_Broddy

    If any assistance needed by me like PC check and anything, I am ready for that
  5. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Wrong descision | Raiky_Broddy

    I know that using illegal servers is very bad but beleive me and check logs and give me a last chance to come and play but after ensuring if everything is fine regarding me and i am also ready for all wipe out ..
  6. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Wrong descision | Raiky_Broddy

    Dear administrator (XXX). I Mist Patel | 139961 from EN 2 server. I got banned for Cheats discord so I am appealing for the account unban here. I am explaining you what happened that day, On that day I jumped into the city after about a month because of some IRL issue went to arena for some...
  7. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Raiky_Broddy

    if you need any assistance or want to do any pc check just let me know
  8. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Raiky_Broddy

    Dear administrator (XXX). I Mist Patel | 139961 from EN 2 server. I got banned for Cheats discord so I am appealing for the account unban here. I am explaining you what happened that day, On that day I jumped into the city after about a month because of some IRL issue went to arena for some...
  9. aishwarya patel

    Rejected ban for cheats | 139961

    Dear administrator (XXX). I Mist Patel | 139961 from EN 2 server. I got banned for Cheats discord so I am appealing for the account unban here. I am explaining you what happened that day, On that day I jumped into the city after about a month because of some IRL issue went to arena for some...
  10. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Ban for Cheats | 139961

    Dear administrator (XXX). I Mist Patel | 139961 from EN 2 server. I got banned for Cheats discord so I am appealing for the account unban here. I am explaining you what happened that day, On that day I jumped into the city after about a month because of some IRL issue went to arena for some...
  11. aishwarya patel

    Rejected pov request | 0000

    killed me before RP ticket event when I am unconcious.
  12. aishwarya patel

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    i am on RP ticket event but someone suddenly killed me and my friends in cover but not seen by anyone please check.
  13. aishwarya patel

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    please ignore the background sound we are on discord during event.
  14. aishwarya patel

    Rejected pov req | 0000

    We are on RP factory suddenly i fall from the building roof. I called my friend to come and heal me and he came down and start patching but someone fully killed me during event. please check if you found something then please give him punishment
  15. aishwarya patel

    Approved RDM | 116360

    I am a LSPD officer on duty of towing vehicles. I am searching for vehicles suddenly a person came in front of my truck and asked me how to join the organisation during conversation 2 families gang members arrived and just started shooting without any demands
  16. aishwarya patel

    Rejected RDM | 116360

    I am a LSPD officer on duty of towing vehicles. I am searching for vehicles suddenly a person came in front of my car and asks me how to join the organisation during the conversation 2 families gang member arrived in the unscripted green zone and start shooting both of us without any demand and...
  17. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Complain about Raiky Broddy

    He banned me because I incidentally joined a Discord which I dont't know use for but he said me that it was illegal I understand that he is right in his place but if a person is not using a that kind of channels so what is the players fault. Even I don't involved in any trade as you can also...
  18. aishwarya patel

    Rejected Complain against Raiky_Broody

    He banned me because I incidentally joined a Discord which I dont't know use for but he said me that it was illegal I understand that he is right in his place but if a person is not using a that kind of channels so what is the players fault. Even I don't involved in any trade as you can also...
  19. aishwarya patel

    IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

    I have a dream to be a gang member because there are many things to do. I want to be Leader of this specific gang because i love the yellow colour and as in my old account i was in the vagos gang The vagos hq is located at the perfect place which make it different from other gangs and even it's...
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