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Search results

  1. T

    Rejected GZ 2.4 | Dark Wick

    Hello I was in jail for ub ship near the bunker the ship did't affect the drive or walking of any player. Dark Wick removed the ship and my automatic watering can near my bunker. My friend Pedrinho das Seconds id: 72548 put one done for me near mine and that was removed too. That object dont...
  2. T

    Rejected Removed automatic watering can and muted | Dark Wick

    I gave one to a friend nick: Pedrinho das Seconds id: 72548 and he removed that one to.
  3. T

    Rejected Removed automatic watering can and muted | Dark Wick

    I was in jail for ub ship and Dark Wick removed my automatic watering can near my bunker. That object dont afect driving or walking. When i ask for him to correct it i got muted. I want the money that i lost with this mistake .
  4. T

    Rejected Jaield for ubship | Dark Wick

    I used my ship near my bunker , didn't affect the trafic or people walking or any activit on the game and i got jailed
  5. T

    Approved RDM | 69213

    All in pov , damage before weapons event
  6. T

    Approved Random Pushing + VDM | 90174 , 88272

    All in pov
  7. T

    Approved VDM | 89508

    All in pov
  8. T

    Rejected RDM | 54473

    All in pov i am reporting because my friend is banned from the forum and he can't report.
  9. T

    Rejected Cheats | 76572

    I am reporting because my friend is banned from the forum and he can't report this cheater using teleport.
  10. T

    Reviewed POV | 86489

    I want to see how i died , this guy was in my family and left , he shared a screen on discord using ccleaner in a usb pendrive he talked about scrip gg He had a main account id 24454 that is banned for using ccleaner
  11. T

    Rejected G.R. 3.2 | 72548

    Portuguese admin please he is talking about a mother
  12. T

    Approved GR 6.19 | 89387

    All in pov
  13. T

    Rejected Admin Application | Txicoo Mendes

    Information Your name IRL: Francisco Mendes Your age (OOC): 33 Time zone + country: Lisbon (GMT+1) Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (17:00 to 04:00 Using 24H Time Format ): Average online per day(hours): 7 hours Your Discord ID: txicaa#4395 Your characters' name...
  14. T

    Reviewed POV | 52710

    I want to see how i died
  15. T

    Rejected CR | 41129 83335 86859 69983

    CR for no reason and killed me
  16. T

    Rejected Hearing noice | 4436

  17. T

    Rejected Hearing noice

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