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Search results

  1. R

    Rejected leaders of national guard | commando witch

    1. Your name IRL ramesh vishnoi 2. Your age 30 3. Time zone GMT -5:30 4. Average online per day 5-6 hour 5. Your Discord commando witch 6. Your Nickname commando witch 7. Your ID 90290 Additional information 1. Leader of national guard 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  2. R

    Rejected Leader of LSPD | Ramesh vishnoi

    1. Your name IRL ramesh vishnoi 2. Your age 30 3. Time zone +5:30 GMT 4. Average online per day 6 5. Your Discord rameshvishnoi 6. Your Nickname ramesh vishnoi 7. Your ID90290 Additional information 1. Leader of LSPD 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List...
  3. R

    Rejected RDM | 84475

    am on LSPD on duty one person kill me without any demand and without any reason am green zone in.
  4. R

    Rejected VDM | 378253

    VDM and effect my taxi JOB
  5. R

    Rejected vdm and RDM | harshest

    vehicle Deathmatching and random dathmatching and 2.2 Initial and public works: Truckers, Electricians, Sawmill, Farm 1-2, Bus workers, Taxi companies, Oil rig. this rule brake.
  6. R

    IMPORTANT Applications for SAHP

    1 rameshvishnoi fedorow 2. Your age-> 5 3. Time zone-> GMT +5:30 4. Average online per day-> 5hrs 5. Your Discord-> rameshvishnoi fedorow 6. Your Nickname-> rameshvishnoi fedorow 7. Your ID-> 156102
  7. R

    Rejected Leader za Bloods Streat Gang I Vukasin Angel

    hello sir gang member add in gang without my permission and my level & quality without check. please help leave gang organizations. my ic level 5 am week in game and no experience any organization. am first learn more experience and rule or level up before join gang. please remove to gang. thank you
  8. R

    Rejected Leader za Bloods Streat Gang I Vukasin Angel

    My name is Rameshkumar bishnoi (IC) ID 156102 PLEASE help leave gang organisation. By mistake add.
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