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Search results

  1. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    Hey there igot band befor for my main account and twink iwas get login with my account freind and I don't know that if u log with freind u wil be banned now please he my first time im baned like that pleasse sir booby give chansse I miss the server my familly org imiss all of this I'm ready...
  2. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8/ floki Vilgerson

    Hey there igot band befor for my main account and twink iwas get login with my account freind and I don't know that if u log with freind u wil be banned now please he my first time im baned like that pleasse sir booby give chansse I miss the server my familly org imiss all of this I'm ready...
  3. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    Hey there igot band befor for my main account and twink iwas get login with my account freind and I don't know that if u log with freind u wil be banned now please he my first time im baned like that pleasse sir booby give chansse I miss the server my familly org imiss all of this I'm ready...
  4. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    He is incorrect prefix please close it
  5. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    Close iwant to do for curator of project
  6. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    Hey there igot band befor for my main account and twink iwas get login with my account freind and I don't know that if u log with freind u wil be banned now please he my first time im baned like that pleasse sir booby give chansse I miss the server my familly org imiss all of this I'm ready...
  7. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.8 / Floki Vilgerson

    Hey there igot band befor for my main account and twink iwas get login with my account freind and I don't know that if u log with freind u wil be banned now please he my first time im baned like that pleasse sir booby give chansse I miss the server my familly org imiss all of this I'm ready...
  8. Karoune Pluxury

    Reviewed Ban for anticheat / napal fedorov

    Hello i got baned for anticheat My car got crashe under ground and than this notfication pops up telling me i got baned pls unbaned me thnx
  9. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for anticheat / napal fedrov

    Close please incorrect prefix
  10. Karoune Pluxury

    Approved Fail RP | 113838

    bro wtf did y play with calucator ot pc?
  11. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ban for anticheat / napal fedrov

    Hello i got baned for anticheat My car got crashe under ground and than this notfication pops up telling me i got baned pls unbaned me thnx
  12. Karoune Pluxury

    Reviewed cheats | 178533

    Wtff he is doing bug abuse he can see ho near u withot Callling amblulance + he is going to discord witout see nothing in screen (6.17) 30days ban+bug abuse 14days total 44 day banned npc nchedk nhwi lik bak
  13. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Wrong decision | Pluxury Zack

    dear pablo or sam in this foru player have ilegal redux when he is ded the is no effect but the admin he didnt check good pls look this into have nice day
  14. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Warn for SR 5.2 | Nato here

    sry pls dont close
  15. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Warn for SR 5.2 | Nato here

    close pls
  16. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Warn for SR 5.2 | Nato here

    dear Floki I got punished from the admin Nato here for SR 5.2 but I was searching for a wanted criminal dont now if i ask hem fore passport taht is rulls breaks i ask fore last chanse pls remove my warning
  17. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected SR 5.2 | 69122

    All in pov
  18. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Ub Demends + Rdm | 750

    iwas going to ballas for join and he is start to shoot me pls this
  19. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Biased admin | Willian federal

    He is interfacing with IC problem and he dont have right to tell him what to do he need to get training for that from a hc not an admin
  20. Karoune Pluxury

    Rejected Fail rp | 149474

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