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Search results

  1. R

    Pending review Ban for 6.3 | Floki_Vilgeroarson

    Dear Admin's, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request an account wipe and unban for my account. I understand that my recent actions involving the theft of weapons from a police warehouse were against the rules and have caused significant issues within the game. I...
  2. R

    Rejected ban for GR 5.3 | LUCKY PLUXARY

    Dear, LUCKY PLUXARY, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to offer my sincere apologies for my recent behavior in the admin tickets. During my inquiry about my mute status, I inadvertently expressed frustration in a way that was disrespectful and inappropriate. I realize now that my...
  3. R

    Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | 28059 | Lucas Pluxary

    Name: Lucas Pluxary ID: 28059 Age: 18 Nationality: Indian Place of Birth: Gondia Eye : Black Hair color: Brown Tattoos: Nope Strengths: Power, Good At Communication . Weakness: Abuse someone, Life Story: Vincent Rossi was born into a notorious crime family that has held sway over the city for...
  4. R

    Reviewed FL | 94123

    all in pov
  5. R

    Approved PG │ 83792

    all in pov
  6. R

    Rejected Warn for Fear RP | Karl Verlice

    You have to give me demorgen for fail rp and you have given me fear rp and 7 days warining and 120 minute demorgen.
  7. R

    Rejected Fail Rp | 380457

    All in pov As i just got tased and fell in the road then the officer didn’t say anything and just cuffed me, means that he was supposed to say the im gonna cuff you.
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