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  1. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14746 | Bug Abuse I Codrin Caba

    hi again curator of prjoect i dont know what to say but look at this shit you get banned for switching gun again i only want to play can you come to this shit server and have look at those shity admins just i want to know who give the rule to be admins when they dont know there job how he banned...
  2. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14729 | Bug Abuse I Pablo OConnor

    where did u learn this 3years playing never ever get punsh for it and now on ES server its other rule !
  3. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14729 | Bug Abuse I Pablo OConnor

    what animation i didnt roll open ur eyes i only switch to weapon
  4. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14729 | Bug Abuse I Pablo OConnor

    para el curador del proyecto, no para el administrador del servidor ....
  5. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14729 | Bug Abuse I Pablo OConnor

    this is not fair admin dont know his job what in hell then why he is admin Pablo OConnor if he cant tell thats Bug Abuse or no and all the admin here on ES server are the same they dont know there job plz curator of the project we need your help on this server come have look how admins here...
  6. A

    For curator of the project APPELACION DE BAN | ID: 14729 | Bug Abuse I Pablo OConnor

    Dear administrative team, I was banned for abuse of errors. Please watch the video again. I just changed my weapon without making a roll or anything. I was banned for no reason. Please watch the video. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/760670/ - Where is the bug ?????????
  7. A

    Approved Solicito el POV de la ID 0000

    pov :
  8. A

    For curator of the project ban for 6.23 GR | 14729 | Thierry Billroth

    . Puedes eliminarlo. He enviado una nueva solicitud You can delete it. I have submitted a new request
  9. A

    Rejected Solicito el POV de la ID 14678

    Buenas me gustaria ver el PoV de la id mencionada por algunas dudas que tengo sobre estea perosna me gustaria ver su pov entero
  10. A

    For curator of the project ban for 6.23 GR | 14729 | Thierry Billroth

    Puedes eliminarlo. He enviado una nueva solicitud You can delete it. I have submitted a new request
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