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  1. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Ban For Bug Abuse | Light Moon

    Hey sir I got banned for bug abuse I havent attempt to do any bug abuse and i will never in my life think to do bug abuse i where just bugged that why i do f1 Please unban my account i agree for money wipe
  2. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Ban For Bug Abuse | Light Moon

    Hey chiefs I got banned for bug abuse I havent attempt to do any bug abuse and i will never in my life think to do bug abuse i where just bugged that why i do f1 Please unban my account i agree for money wipe
  3. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Ban For Bug Abuse | Light Moon

    Hey I got banned for bug abuse by light The guy who post forum havent post pov and i think he is not involted too I havent attempt to do any bug abuse and i will never in my life think to do bugabuse i where just bugged that why i do f1 Please unban my account i realy love the server . Forum...
  4. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Ban for Bug Abuse | Light Moon

    Hey I got banned for bug abuse by light The guy who post forum havent post pov and i think he is not involted too I havent attempt to do any bug abuse and i will never in my life think to do bugabuse i where just bugged that why i do f1 Please unban my account i realy love the server .
  5. Ethane Morgan

    Reviewed cheats I 0000

    incorrect format
  6. Ethane Morgan

    Approved CL | 173331

    Incorrect Format evidence must be 1 minute
  7. Ethane Morgan

    Approved UB Driving | 173331

    third party pov
  8. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Wrong decision | Ram Patell

    hey dear pablo sam or thomas today have been rejcted my forum for ( no rule break faound ) as like u can see evrything clear in my pov the guys was saying gay Gay he is F word (Forgot = Gay ) pls chech this and punish ho make weong decision have nice day Pablo Always on top
  9. Ethane Morgan

    Reviewed Warn for Gr 6.15 | Yaswanth Trigger

    And Aswell he is given me Vdm but if u see he is pov ido only 1 time becouse the map he is loaded Aything Yaswanth he is doing multiype wrong deccision pls check this admin sir have nice day Pablo on top
  10. Ethane Morgan

    Reviewed Warn for Gr 6.15 | Yaswanth Trigger

    Hey dear pablo Today Igot warn for gr 6.15 as like see but already the player give demends u can ask Yaswanth for he is pov Icant breack the rulles and never I can do this I ned to apllay for admin pls check issue have nice day
  11. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 1351

    Close pls
  12. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected GR 3.1 | 55029

    All in pov
  13. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Attempting to bribe + Bug Abuse | 49458

    All in pov
  14. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected F word | 55029

    All in pov
  15. Ethane Morgan

    Reviewed Pending review | All Admin

    pls check this forum no reviwing this
  16. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 1351

    All in pov he was typing in the chat withot calling ambulance
  17. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Biased admin | Sarthak Skorpeen

    when said Ic issue
  18. Ethane Morgan

    Rejected Biased admin | Sarthak Skorpeen

    Hello i was asking him for id and he rrfuse to show Then i call admin and he come and he just drag the guy and trying to help him and explain to him and telling me to leave i think the admin is his friend and admin being biased and in last admin have write me a message and say IC issue the admin...
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