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Search results

  1. fethi bvb

    Rejected Application For Admin | Fethi | 2489

    information: 1. Fethi Taha 2. 20 years old 3. GMT+3 4. 6pm to 12pm 5. 5hrs to 6hrs 6. fathi_t#2493 7. Legacy Fethi 8. 2489 9. I want to be curator of State section Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? answer : i have been playing in the server 1 for a long of time (2...
  2. fethi bvb

    Rejected POV REQUEST | 3470

    Stupiddd not need a pov , you just a 7maar
  3. fethi bvb

    Rejected Application For Admin | Fethi | 2489

    information: 1. Fethi Taha 2. 20 years old 3. GMT+3 4. 6pm to 12pm 5. 5hrs to 6hrs 6. fathi_t#2493 7. Legacy Fethi 8. 2489 9. I want to be curator of State section Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? answer : i have been playing in the server 1 for a long of time (2...
  4. fethi bvb

    Approved CL | 42501

    all in pov
  5. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | id : 93 and 4537

    Bro go sleep , the demands was clear in the pov.
  6. fethi bvb

    Rejected close

    bro you r in the wrong server (here en #3)
  7. fethi bvb

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family Legacy

    First, be respectful, then talk about others😉😉, do not think yourself better than them... We watched you and we agreed with you, but in the end we saw that we agreed with a boy... I have a question: Are your words heard in your family? Check yourself on this question.😙
  8. fethi bvb

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family Legacy

    Of course I care if he says Family Legacy, this is my talks , if you like it or if you don’t , I don’t care to talk in a good way with stupiddd people don’t know to put a correct title, if someone broke the rules , put a appropriate address… Omwahh to you.
  9. fethi bvb

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family Legacy

    i think you must to read my massage again .. go up and see (or if just one from legacy family you must to gathering all the family?) bruh you dont see , maybe you're sleepy... sweet dreams to you.
  10. fethi bvb

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Family Legacy

    good evening aghyad , before all of that , you must to check who are this guys ? which family they r in? or just give a family name without reosons , or if just one from legacy family you must to gathering all the family? check yr self bro and goo sleep its to late for the kids... dear admin i...
  11. fethi bvb

    Rejected rdm | 2489

    We gived 5 second , there was solar panel in the area, put yr full video to show the admin!
  12. fethi bvb

    Approved Mass Rule Breaking | 18343

    Enough of the frivolous ads ... , waiting for the admin here..
  13. fethi bvb

    Approved Mass Rule Breaking | 18343

    1- first he didnt agree with us and hes lies about their is no cars ( there was 3 cars near him ) (fail rp) 2- he get out from the red zone to the city (fear rp) 3- id 3580 Car ramming the pov show everthing
  14. fethi bvb

    Rejected Wrong decision | Ace Galante

    the video was good quality , just the lag was just 2 seconds , i dont think the 2 seconds will affect the whole prov , and he said about the audio , the sounds was very perfect and also i didnt talk.. it was just the sound of me dying and thier sounds...,
  15. fethi bvb

    Reviewed 6.6 I id : 2114 + 3470 + 8330 + 11910

    Wtf r you stupiddd? Check yrself more😉😉
  16. fethi bvb

    Approved Fail Rp | 1448

    we was robbing this guy in the ghetto then hes running from the red zone to the green zone (the pov shows everything).
  17. fethi bvb

    Rejected Fail Rp | 950 + 27513

    this 2 guys still killed me and heal me all the time( like 3 or 4 times) to get a time to call their gang or idk ( the pov shows everything ). pov 1: pov 2:
  18. fethi bvb

    Approved CL | 44610

    all in pov...
  19. fethi bvb

    Approved CL | 48582

    all in pov..
  20. fethi bvb

    Approved CL | ID 3045 + 2489

    Don’t cry baby , xddd
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