As I Think He Is Not Going To Get The Families Term Only Because Of One Mistake, His Hardwork Turned Into Water. Now, I Want Justice For Him.
Rules He Broke:
3.1 Insulting of the person (OOC) is strictly prohibited |Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days.
3.2 Any relatives should not be...
1. Your name IRL: Amanul Hoque Mahdi
2.Your age: 16
3. Time zone: EST (GMT-5)
4. Average online per day: 10-12hr daily
5. Your Discord: owg_mahdi
6. Your Nickname: Owg Mahdi
7. Your ID: 109316
1. Leader of: Lifeinvader
2.Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
1. Your name IRL: Amanul Hoque Mahdi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: EST (GMT-5)
4. Average online per day: 10-12hr daily
5. Your Discord: owg_mahdi
6. Your Nickname: Owg Mahdi
7. Your ID: 109316
1. Additional information Leader of (Life Invader)
2. I have served a term as LI (Senior Associate)...
1. Your name IRL: Amanul Hoque Mahdi
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: EST (GMT-5)
4. Average online per day: 10-12hr daily
5. Your Discord: owg_mahdi
6. Your Nickname: owg Mahdi
7. Your ID: 109316
1. Additional information Leader of (Life Invader)
2. I have served a term as LI (Senior Associate)...
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