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Search results

  1. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected pov req | 0000

  2. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved General Ghetto Rules 1.12 I 3009

    All in POV. Even i complied with all demands, that person killed me.
  3. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved VDM I 32842

    All in POV.
  4. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved CL I 1282

    U can see in the POV
  5. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved VDM I 7932

    U can see in the POV
  6. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected Gen Rules 6.13(Mercy Killing) I 3813

    As u can see in the POV he is doing mercy killing.
  7. Leo Fettuccini

    Reviewed Ghetto Rule 1.12 I 6918

    As you can see in the POV I complied with all demands. He said run to me and didn't give time and he killed when i started a running.
  8. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected Demorgan for Ghetto Rule 1.12 I Mark Loops

    When I told him you can run, he said fuck me and started running. I think i have a chance to shoot him for saying that. My POV is here.
  9. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Fail Rp I 5818

    you did it without any commands and someone was already searching me
  10. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Fail Rp I 5818

    u can see in the pov.
  11. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected shooting from hq | 11483. 13159

    he shooting into hq. LOL
  12. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Power Gaming I 6487

    He is patching up to me with a gun.
  13. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.4 I 13396 13402

    Someone started shooting from outside into hq. All on pov
  14. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected gen rule: 6.13 ID:9418

    haha. Don't cry just grow up little bit.
  15. Leo Fettuccini

    Rejected gen rule: 6.13 ID:9418

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/45115/ Vladi has already denied this complaint. Why are you still trying your chances xD
  16. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.4 I 4597

    I am just talking with guys. Then he shooting us when we are in hq.
  17. Leo Fettuccini

    Approved Ghetto Rule 1.4 | 10239

    when i saw him he is shooting us from hq.
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