Dear Lebron, i got banned for GR 1.6 + 1.7 but i only got items in my main. My twink is fully clear and i want to play on my twink account if its possible. I haven't done anything on my twink but it also got banned. Please give me one more chance on my twink account.
Hello Dear Mazhor.
I got banned for event rule 1.7 I did a mistake, in event area i died then i accidently closed my pov, then my friend revived me, when i was running to exit the zone i killed a guy. I am sorry I accept my punishment for event rule 1.1. Then the guy i killed requested my pov...
Hello Lebron I got banned for event rule 1.7 I did a mistake, in event area i died then i accidently closed my pov, then my friend revived me, when i was running to exit the zone i killed a guy. I am sorry I accept my punishment for event rule 1.1. Then the guy i killed requested my pov but as I...
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