Hello, i got jail Fearrp, because i didint put hands up. The reason why I didn't put hands up is because I went to the inf and it was 10 minutes before the inf (Event Rules 1.2) . You can see in the logs that he put me in jail 10 minutes before inf.
Hello, i got jail Fearrp, because i didint put hands up. The reason why I didn't put hands up is because I went to the inf and it was 10 minutes before the inf (Event Rules 1.2) . You can see in the logs that he put me in jail 10 minutes before inf.
Hello, i got jail fearrp, because i didint put hands up. The reason why I didn't put hands up is because I went to the inf and it was 10 minutes before the inf (Event Rules 1.2) . You can see in log when he put me in jail. You can see in the logs that he put me in jail 10 minutes before inf.
Hello, i got jail fearrp, because i didint put hands up. The reason why I didn't put hands up is because I went to the inf and it was 10 minutes before the inf (Event Rules 1.2) . You can see in log when he put me in jail. You can see in the logs that he put me in jail 10 minutes before inf.
Dear Mazhore,
Good day and how are you?
I got banned for the event rule 1.7. I didn't recording because program wasn't working. This is the inf when i fix recording ( Pov ). It won't happen again. I'm played on EN3 and PT. For me is best RS
Ime porodice: DIOR
Vlasnik porodice ID: David Gerber 11974
Broj porodične kuće: Br.1302
Forum link od vlasnika porodice: david gerber
Discord vlasnika: daviduuuuah#9029
Logo porodice: Logo
Istorija porodice:
David Gerber odrastao je u svijetu kriminala od malih nogu, uvijek se usudio...
Ja sam htjeo uc u family-u i dosao sam do njihovog dvorista.i oni su me ubili.
Na videu se nevidi kako ja kradem panele, Ni nisu mi dali 5 sekundi da odem iz dvorista.
1. Ime porodice: Blue Eagle
2. Vlasnika porodice i ID: David Accardian | 11974
3. Broj kuće od porodice: 911
4. Forum link od vlasnika porodice: David Gerber
5. Ime i tag vlasnika porodice na discordu: daviduuuuah#9029
New Eagle(1)
Real Eagle(2)
Boss Eagle(3)
Battle Eagle(4)...
Cilj porodice:
Ici na pljacke prodavaonice,skupiti ljude i biznise
Poslovi porodice:
Beli poslovi:kopamo naftu i sadimo plantaze
Crna Strana:pljacka banke,pljacka prodavaonice,prodaja oruzija i municije na crnom trzistu
Prica porodice:
Bio sam jako dugo u porodici blody notes.Pa sam...
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