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Search results

  1. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request I 00000

    u got shoot from behind while runing away :)
  2. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request I 00000

    also have full session from informal
  3. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request I 00000

    if u want longer have 3 hours live from grand en3 and redm RP today in one session
  4. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request I 00000

    u want the hole stream was live on twitch or just from nvidia have both
  5. Billie Mandem

    Rejected POV/Bug Abuse | 65666

    id 65666 its starting taking juice and cokaine before he done drinking the jucie
  6. Billie Mandem

    Rejected FiB Corrupt Bio | Billie Danes | 6954

    Organization: FIB Name: Billie Danes Gender: Male Age: 30 Nationality: Danish Place of Birth: Aalborg. (Denmark) Sexuality: Straight Eye color: Black Hair color: Light Brown Tattoos: None Strengths: Proficient shooting skills, exceptional driving skills Weakness: Anger management...
  7. Billie Mandem

    Approved RDM in GZ | id 38170

    Hello Admin Team i just got off work irl and went fill my shop at Black market while filling my shop i heard someone shoot and then i died Have longer pov if needed
  8. Billie Mandem

    Rejected DM IN GZ | ID 291079

    Hello Admins My game had jusst crashet so had to rush to Blackmarket to get my shop. as i came to black market and clicket extend on the npc for not loosing shop, i turrnet around and some random killed me for no reason. even tho i said u cant shoot here he keept shooting. if...
  9. Billie Mandem

    Rejected Banned for "Under investigation" | Floki Vilgeroarson

    I got banned for "under investigation" by floki can i get an answer why i am being investigated for i dont remember doing anything against the rules that would get me banned.
  10. Billie Mandem

    Rejected NG Corrupt Bio | Billie Mandem | 6954

    NATIONAL GUARD Name: Billie Mandem Gender: MALE Age: 31 Nationality: DANISH Place of Birth: DENMARK (Aalborg, North Jylland Denmark) Sexuality: HETEROSEXUAL Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black Tattoos: Full body (Exception: Face and hands) Strengths: SHARP SHOOTER | GREAT DRIVER | KNOWLEDGEABLE...
  11. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request | 6954

    if u want longer pov i will provide
  12. Billie Mandem

    Reviewed Pov request | 6954

    here u go 1 tip jjuice and cocaine yea ;)
  13. Billie Mandem

    Approved RDM in GZ | ID 31868

    have also uploadet to youtube but it complain about music so not sure eiff there is sound on this one but the one in proff have sound
  14. Billie Mandem

    Approved RDM in GZ | ID 31868

    Hello admin team Was just logget in to the city to go fill my shop after i startet fillin my shop ID 31868 killed for no reason he even came back and pointet fingers didnt interfer with the person what so ever
  15. Billie Mandem

    Approved Mass rule breaks I id: 9642 I los santos mandem

    ID 6954 Billie Danes
  16. Billie Mandem

    Rejected UB spikes, FailRP, Nonrp driving | SAHP

    SAHP placed spikes blocking the whole road you can see it at 2:56. We took a hostage and SAHP shot us while we had guns pointed at him and him taken hostage. Then one sahp officer procceded to run a way and non rp drive off road with a super car.
  17. Billie Mandem

    Rejected VDM | id 6954

    like who stay on the road and text cmon go to side walk thatss what they made for
  18. Billie Mandem

    Rejected VDM | id 6954

    lol diidnt even see and u where on road
  19. Billie Mandem

    Approved MK | ID 1366 - 21185

    who MK then ???
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