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Search results

  1. Zed Buttows

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    hello dear mazhor 150 days ago i got banned for ooc doxing let me explain i was join the west mafia and i was be friend with dlixy and we was fighting in fam house for a joke and i was drop my color revo and i was type this for a joke and i didnt see dear alex was in family and he banned me...
  2. Zed Buttows

    Reviewed POV Request | ID 56688

    https://streamable.com/ls35pq this is the pov
  3. Zed Buttows

    Rejected UB DEMAND-RDM | 202258

    are you dumpy bro i am telling its legal tracer its own gta V tracer are you stupid .d
  4. Zed Buttows

    Rejected UB DEMAND-RDM | 202258

    its not tracers its own game tracers are you okay ?
  5. Zed Buttows

    Rejected POV Request | 117915

    than prove it casue his usp is so long aswell and liminus and u add it lot of stuff in your carbine
  6. Zed Buttows

    Approved PG | 0000

    all in pov
  7. Zed Buttows

    Approved UnBan Appeal | Ethan Murphy

    Hello Dear Adminators, first of all thank you for reading my objection First of all, I did not start in the area in the prison event, the place I entered was behind the prison and you can pass there by helicopter and it is not forbidden to enter from here and such a rule was not until we entered...
  8. Zed Buttows

    Approved Leader of FIB | Satriko Narcos

    best leader for fib
  9. Zed Buttows

    Rejected Warning For Mass Cr | Kevin Musk

    this is the proof i dont want do get him this punishment
  10. Zed Buttows

    Rejected Warning For Mass Cr | Kevin Musk

    my friend got warning because of us please remove this warning we were just trying something and having fun please remove his punishment we will not do such things again
  11. Zed Buttows

    Reviewed MK ,CL, Meta Gaming and Fear RP | 278118 & 197395

    u need the puddle and physics my frnd got banned for same redux if u can see the rain no pixels and no puddls have + where is ur voice we cannot hearing ur voice its illegal too i think
  12. Zed Buttows

    Reviewed MK ,CL, Meta Gaming and Fear RP | 278118 & 197395

    1.We cant not hear ur voice what happening 2. this redux has no rain and any puddles and physics 3. u cant request money from person 4. we need to see all event or until he was arrested
  13. Zed Buttows

    Rejected POV REQUEST / 0000

    bro wrong place its for en 1
  14. Zed Buttows

    Approved Pov Request | 117915

    And i am not in my house i am at the school
  15. Zed Buttows

    Approved Pov Request | 117915

    İ need more time
  16. Zed Buttows

    Approved Racism 363284

    1. its illegal redux 2. u killed guy i think so and ur croped pov
  17. Zed Buttows

    Rejected Pov Request | 160445

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