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Search results

  1. miguel guerreiro

    Rejected fail grand ticket

    By the sound you can hear that the roulette wheel has stopped in the car
  2. miguel guerreiro

    Rejected fail grand ticket

    I didn't receive the cars
  3. miguel guerreiro

    Approved GR 3.2 offend parents 6.19 racism | ID : 11734

    Even so, in case of doubt, you can put your POV as it was next door
  4. miguel guerreiro

    Approved GR 3.2 offend parents 6.19 racism | ID : 11734

    I don't have a voice but you can confirm what I said in the POV posted by my friends. It's funny that all your povs don't have your voice weird
  5. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed pov req / 15952

    I hope the admin takes into consideration that id 3027 is reviving with the gun in his hand
  6. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed bug abuse id 11734

    id 11734 before starting to fall is less than half alive when it gets up it is already full alive. I want to see his point of view since you can't cure it when you're falling apart from bug abuse
  7. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed pov req | 0000

    how come you died with 6 hp how come you don't want to die
  8. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47906

    top 1 family for business and for having a lot of tears ahahah
  9. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47906

    cry ekip cry ahahahaha
  10. miguel guerreiro

    Approved rules of green zone 1.1 id 36209

    I was putting things in the trunk of my car when ID 36209 handcuffed me, dragged me, killed me and seized my weapons for no reason
  11. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Gen 3.1 | 12410

    and the part where I talk about family I mean the yachat club
  12. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Gen 3.1 | 12410

    and if the leader didn't say anything and even said that he was right that you don't participate in anything in the family, I don't understand this report
  13. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Gen 3.1 | 12410

    first of all your family is the same as mine according to what i said on the radio and for you to worry about defending your family instead of being in the family just for saying that you're not even part of the family anymore
  14. miguel guerreiro

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Family Yacht Club | ID: 24822, 12410, 4175

    I hope and that the adminstrator gives himself punishment that he sees everyone's vision
  15. miguel guerreiro

    Approved Mass Rule Break | Family Yacht Club | ID: 24822, 12410, 4175

    in the clip it doesn't show anything concrete it just shows that you died for a person
  16. miguel guerreiro

    Rejected Possible cheat | 15952

  17. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Rdm after event | Shawty

  18. miguel guerreiro

    Reviewed Provoking and Parent insulting | Shawty

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