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Search results

  1. 5

    Approved Pov Request | 77997

    excuse me sir what song is that? i have been searching long and far for it.
  2. 5

    Rejected Cheats | 25665

    you dont seem to understand what i said..... look at this part of YOUR video. YOUR health goes down but your armor does not and you were not full HP. Does seem weird though.
  3. 5

    Rejected Cheats | 25665

    hello sir, not a problem! i am always running pov. It does seem weird that your health goes down and your armor does not in your POV, must be a bug! heres my clip
  4. 5

    Rejected RB | 25665

    i told you i was taking your mask off, and i explained why i took your mask off. From your pov I can see why you didnt hear anything, maybe you should stop mixing and turn that 1600 watt generator off you literally said "okay" to me removing your mask in your pov lol
  5. 5

    Reviewed VDM/25665

    sure! heres my pov: You can see yourself moving into my vehicle, then me purposely driving away from you. Also you're screaming "VDM VDM VDM" which is mixing..... but I don't hear it in your pov. Maybe you're using some medal plugin so it hides your voice.
  6. 5

    Reviewed POV Request | 430, 7719

    not a problem sir! ;) ;)
  7. 5

    Rejected GZ KİLL

    punish him for green zone 1.3
  8. 5

    Approved Cheats, RDM | 84

    Killed without any words spoken to me within the city. (RDM) Also if you look closely at the POV when ID 84 shoots me at 1:47 and more clearly 1:50, both of the shots DO NOT even hit my character but I take damage. (Possible Cheats)
  9. 5

    Approved Gen 6.4 and Gen 6.13 | 12699

    ATM robbery was occurring, I noticed there were shots up stairs, I rushed up to give assistance and noticed two criminals from the robbery in a room, 12699 was just sitting there not assisting in the situation. As time passes the officers injure the two suspects and provide medical attention to...
  10. 5

    Approved CR | 31199

    I was going to try and modify my vehicle. I noticed a car slamming another car. Then he kept ramming me so I could not see what I was modding.
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