There is a problem with resolution in youtube video. I couldn't figure out how. So I took a picture from the original video. If you have trouble seeing the number while watching a video, the picture is clearer. If there is a problem, I can re-upload the video.
Hello Dear Admins.
I participated in the race that was held at 15 minutes and was in the first position. Then I had a little accident and the person behind me stopped and tried to kill me. If I hadn't run I would have died and there was no reason. I also asked the admins in-game if this is...
Hello it is me again. Lebron Pruxy was unbanned but still not working. I can't login game. Is it can be problem about my name? I am not sure. My steam account name is "kayahansahinsteam" When I try login server 2 I get error in the picture. Can you double check my unban please? Thanks. Love and...
you can delete money if that is the only solution.
but of course we would be happier if you didn't delete it. There is a lot of effort we put into it. However, I will respect your decision and do whatever you say.
If you want I can call all my friends to discord for voice chat and we can share screen and you can see all is different computer. Also if again my format is incorrect please help me what shall i do. Thanks. Love and respect.
Hello. I live in Turkey and I'm in an internet cafe. Here we play grand rp with more than 10 of our friends. Or rather, we were playing. Our account was banned yesterday afternoon. I don't know how many more accounts were banned, the two of us who realized this. However, if you look at our mac...
Hello again. We were three people. The problem still persists. It looks the same for all of us. We love this game and we don't want our efforts to go to waste. If it is forbidden to enter through the same ip address, we will look for a solution. If you want, we can log in using VPN. But we can't...
Hello. I live in Turkey and I'm in an internet cafe. Here we play grand rp with more than 10 of our friends. Or rather, we were playing. Our account was banned yesterday afternoon. I don't know how many more accounts were banned, the two of us who realized this. However, if you look at our mac...
Hello. I live in Turkey and I'm in an internet cafe. Here we play grand rp with more than 10 of our friends. Or rather, we were playing. Our account was banned yesterday afternoon. I don't know how many more accounts were banned, the two of us who realized this. However, if you look at our mac...
Hello. You need go back hotel and talk with reception girl. Select "I want resume storyline quest" and your quest will back. When finish quests you will get 10 prime day and 4 grandcoin.
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