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  1. Johny Jaula

    Rejected POV Request | ID 18362

    Continua a sacar gunpacks e reduxes do gajo que mais é banido por cheats no GRP que estás bem...
  2. Johny Jaula

    Rejected sosa lavish mk

    And I hate to talk shit about any Admin cause I can only imagine the situations and people you guys go through everyday, and that deserves respect in and of itself, but Admins like this just scare people away from the project, Zema situation should be an example, no Admins are perfect, and some...
  3. Johny Jaula

    Rejected sosa lavish mk

    Sosa Lovel strikes again punishing people JUST for shooting his friends in white, which end up benefited everytime, how many times more do you need this to happen so that guy loses Admin Panel wtf? Toxic when player and apparentely toxic as an Admin as well. Some people may like him and that's...
  4. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Warn appeal for shooting outside the city | Sosa Lavish

    Although it was not an event, I was recording, I had shadow play turned on, with 3 mins of recording, actually something that I never did cause my fps's would drop dramatically, been optimizing the settings etc and yesterday was actually the first time I had shadow play on for a few hours, I was...
  5. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Warn appeal for shooting outside the city | Sosa Lavish

    *Title- Shooting from the city If I have to make open other thread because of the title and missing screenshot just let me know, thank you
  6. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Warn appeal for shooting outside the city | Sosa Lavish

    If it gets accepted I would appreciate that both my warnings get taken out, since with the server restart today morning I would be warnings free, if it doesn't, eh, I get it, life ain't fair, I'll do my time with no problem, hope you guys can see the situation how it happened, and I guess Mr...
  7. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Warn appeal for shooting outside the city | Sosa Lavish

    Hello, I'm usually not the guy that complaints or appeals over any punishments cause usually they are 100% correct and I'm asking for it, making me a hypocrite if I was to appeal the warnings/punishments, but in this case it was just wrong and unnecessary, I was passing through the ghetto near...
  8. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Pov Request I 41928

    There you go buddy
  9. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Wrongflul Warned | Sosa Lavish

    Hello, I'm usually not the guy that complaints or appeals over any punishments cause usually they are 100% correct and I'm asking for it, making me a hypocrite if I was to appeal the warnings/punishments, but in this case was just wrong and unecessary, I was passing through the ghetto near the...
  10. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Metagaming | 9567

    Bom discurso para quem fez 5 reports da mesma pessoa, quando tu próprio falas-te para mortos, estavas no Discord, foges do ghetto quando o cú aperta, guardar armas dentro do carro no meio do assalto, fear RP inexistente, queres que continue ou já percebeste que não enganas ninguém?
  11. Johny Jaula

    Rejected OOC | ID: 9567 12510

    Tão aziado que faz 4 reports :ROFLMAO: E sim estava Discord, com a minha Família com já disse, mas dêem mute á vontade, e acerca das conversas OOC etc, aceito punições sem stresses...
  12. Johny Jaula

    Approved Regra 6.19 | ID: 9567

    Ler as regras do servidor ajuda...
  13. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Metagaming | 9567

    Eu vi esse teu problema Barbosa, se tiveres AMD usa o Radeon Software senão usa GeForce Experience, dão 10 a 0 ao Xbox GameBar, essa merda puxa pelo pc desnecessariamente e é tudo bugado
  14. Johny Jaula

    Rejected OOC | ID: 9567 12510

    Qual discord oh burro :ROFLMAO: O meu micro é que não tem noise cancelling por isso ouvias a dobrar o que o 12510 estava a dizer InGame, mas sim estava no Discord com o pessoal da minha Família, nem o Discord dos Marabunta tenho, granda calhau :ROFLMAO:. E da próxima vê se ajudas o teu namorado...
  15. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Unban appeal for bug abuse | Eva DeJefes

    Wtf foste para os Dinero agora mpt?
  16. Johny Jaula

    Rejected POV request 66

    Pois ya, pelo menos já vi isso a acontecer várias vezes, o pessoal tenta entrar e buga cá para fora
  17. Johny Jaula

    Rejected POV request 66

    O mais certo é não ter furado, esse tubo de cimento está bugado no GrandRP não sei porquê, tu para ele aposto que nem chegaste a entrar, ou entraste e bugaste cá para fora logo a seguir...
  18. Johny Jaula

    Rejected RDM- 266 Matar sendo da EMS

    Making petition so EMSs can open carry in Ghetto. Signings down below
  19. Johny Jaula

    Rejected Unban appeal

    Obrigado por assumires que és um fã
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