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Search results

  1. A

    Reviewed OCC INSULT |26166|

    Dear Admin , i hope you are good , actually i was in the gas station i stopped my car and wait their for some one the buy my backpack , while i am waiting this man come near my car and talk to me insignificantly and i don't speak with him but he take long time calling me then u i answer him he...
  2. A

    Rejected waiting for unban ( more than 8 days waiting )

    hello dear , sorry about disturbing you but it has been gone more than 1 week about the ban and i am waiting for the revoke pls see my problem presence admin bobby says : hello any appeal that gets approved may take 24h Up to multiple days . I think multiple days means 3-4 days maximum ...
  3. A

    Reviewed waiting for un ban

    Dear Grand 5 RP Administration , I had got approved from (Bobby_Pluxury) for un ban before more than 24 hours and still now the ban hasn't opened , Please take a look at it because I'm on hold you can see the link below in proofs for the approved forum . - Sorry for the trouble - Sorry for the...
  4. A

    Rejected waiting for unban

    Dear Grand 5 RP Administration , I had got approved from (Bobby_Pluxury) for un ban before more than 24 hours and still now the ban hasn't opened , Please take a look at it because I'm on hold you can see the link below in proofs for the approved forum . - Sorry for the trouble - Sorry for...
  5. A

    Approved Ban Appeal GEN 6.3 | Adham_Pluxury

    date of ban is 16-2-2023 ( feb )
  6. A

    Approved Ban Appeal GEN 6.3 | Adham_Pluxury

    Dear Grand 5 RP Adminstrarion , I'm Really Sorry How I Broke Really Bad Into The Law , The Law That I Did Not Follow It Is Gen 6.3 : ( It is forbidden to empty the warehouse of the organisation for personal purposes. | Permanent ban ) And I Played Countless Hours , And I...
  7. A

    Rejected complain

    hello imy id is 26166 i have been blocked by admin adham pluxury gen rule 6.3 the guns which i took i was using them for fights and events i am so sorry for disturbing you dears ❤
  8. A

    Approved RDM | 206523

    I was driving near mirror park I stopped near my friend house and this family killed me (in my friends area) which is green zone + without any demands + without any reasons + talking Arabic in green zone this is not the first time
  9. A

    Rejected TOP G | Unofficial Organization

    all the best broo 💕
  10. A

    Approved Parents insult | 241726

    I was looking for seeds in the farm and this person make parents insult without reasons ( pov needs Arabic admin because insult was in Arabic )
  11. A

    Approved cr | 164243

    need a full pov
  12. A

    Approved rdm | 206523

    i was front my family house speaking with my friend suddenly somebody cam and kill me in front of my family house without any reasons + this is not the first time he kills my he and his family members !! please check his family
  13. A

    Approved parents insult | 104489

    i was near my family house with my family members suddenly this guy came and make parents insult by arabic without any reasons and kill us front of our house + he make rdm (( pov need an arabic admin to hear the insult )).
  14. A

    Approved VDM | RDM - 185594 185590 186393 191326

    this is the video which we have if you think we made any insult post your pov in the video you had made a parents insults ( need arabic admin to see the pov )
  15. A

    Approved parents insult | 104489

    this family come to our house and kill me then i came to my family house the make parents insult foe me ( proof needs an arabic admin ) + this is not the first time they come to our family house and kill us without any reasons !!!
  16. A

    Rejected rdm | 104489 - 140875 - 91320

    i deleted the form
  17. A

    Rejected rdm | 104489 - 140875 - 91320

    i was in the street this family guys give me 5 seconds in the government street and then kill me away from there house !!
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