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  1. A

    Rejected Ballas Auto im Bloods HQ

    Was macht ein Ballas Auto im BLOODS HQ DAS IST KEIN RP UND SOLLTE BESTRAFT WERDEN MfG Abu Achtundachtzig https://gyazo.com/9eb33b4bf5f182c5d575c1dc6fcd2c63
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    Approved unban request | Abu Shabab

    The account that was purchased was Wiktor_Nemesis[33728] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905172343972855871/918168218596696185/unknown.png
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    Approved unban request | Abu Shabab

    Hello dear GrandRP Team, I was banned on 8.12.2021 at 16:53 for 1.6. I would like to apologize for breaking the rules. I will never make such mistakes again, and have learned from those mistakes. I was banned for 30 days with my main account 4244 Abu Shabab. For this reason I wanted to...
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    Rejected Communication error | Banjo Zaar

    It would also be completely enough for me if Banjo accepted me on Discord and I could sort it out with him. Discord:abushabab#6183
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    Rejected Communication error | Banjo Zaar

    Hello dear GrandRP Team, I am very sorry to write this text, but unfortunately there is no way around it! I was banned from the game server for rule 1. 6 and I would like to comment on that! Bantag: 8. 12. 2021 16:53 For one thing, this is NOT to be a complaint to Banjo! He was just doing his...
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    Rejected Kommunikativer Fehler | Banjo Zaar

  7. A

    Rejected Kommunikativer Fehler | Banjo Zaar

    Hallo liebes GrandRP Team, ich bedauere es sehr, diesen Text zu verfassen, jedoch führt leider kein Weg dran vorbei! Ich wurde für die Regel 1.6 vom Gameserver ausgeschlossen, und dazu möchte ich mich gerne einmal äußern! Bantag: 8.12.2021 16:53 Hierzu einmal, dies soll KEINERLEI Beschwerde...
  8. A

    Approved Schwarze Hand mit Godmode Verdacht

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