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  1. D

    Approved Wrong Decision | Luce Pluxury

    i got just got warn removed but i am still in demorgan from the warn
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    Approved Wrong Decision | Luce Pluxury

    I got punished for GZ 1.1 and you can clearly see in the video that i was just standing there on my phone i walked up and the gentlemen got shot idk what that had to do with me tho
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    Approved Unban Appeal | Lebron Pluxury

    Hello so last night I had got a third warning that I had made a form about, and I got it removed, but I am still banned is there anything I can do to get unbanned now that I have 2 warnings and not 3 thank you for your time
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    Approved Wrong Decision | Darsh Patel

    At exactly 16 seconds you can see me (ID: 57027) shoot at this guy and if you look at his mini map you can see he was actually in ghetto that time. I did not shoot him when he drove away from us. We did have an RP reason and we were in Ghetto robbing at the time, I got banned for my warning, but...
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    Approved Gen 6.2

    I do not have pov so i know im gonna get punished please punish me now if you can
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    Approved VDM | id: 57027

    Respectfully i dont have pov but can you atleast punish me now
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    Reviewed Possible MG, Fail RP and Corruption without a Bio | 1855

    and on top of that they are also talking on dc while doing this so called ''hostage situation'' which is an ic thing
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    Reviewed Possible MG, Fail RP and Corruption without a Bio | 1855

    and said meta gaming before dieing little ooc i believe
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    Reviewed Possible MG, Fail RP and Corruption without a Bio | 1855

    we did not meta game we were planning on taking a hostage hence why we had so many people we seen a family member in the car with another family so we decided to follow and see what they were doing we approached the dam and asked for are guy back when someone said shoot them so we opened fire...
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    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    1. Your Name IRL: Derek Pyotsia 2. Your Age: 22 Years Old 3. Your Time Zone: EST. 4. Average Online Per Day: At least 12 Hours 5. Your Discord: Derek Choo 57027#7568 6. Your Nickname: Derek Choo 7. Your ID: 57027 Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? "I would love...
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    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    1. Your Name IRL: Derek Pyotsia 2. Your Age: 22 Years Old 3. Your Time Zone: EST. 4. Average Online Per Day: At least 12 Hours 5. Your Discord: Derek Choo 57027#7568 6. Your Nickname: Derek Choo 7. Your ID: 57027 Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? "I would love...
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    Rejected Ban Appeal

    i got banned for using the word n##ga i didn't know that was a racial slur on this server i am new to this grand rp server i am sincerely sorry for using that type of language in this server i will not do it again is there and way i can get unbanned i just started liking this server and just...
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