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  1. E

    Approved Mass CR| RDM|55169|14809|5584|7448|94445

    If you got video post it, so we could hear all Ur friends' lovely voices too planning and doing this and even after someone warn u of green zone u just continuing. from start to end, will be funny
  2. E

    Approved Mass CR| RDM|55169|14809|5584|7448|94445

    Hi. Hope you guys are doing good. I won this car 2 days ago went to car mod shop a guy came in, killed me and stole this. i called admin and explained to him, he said cant help without pov. i paid 1.5m fine to get it back and 5 minutes later these guys showed up. I added only 2 tags could have...
  3. E

    Approved RDM|36481

    Hi. hope u guys are doing well. i was just chilling when this person killed me for no reason.
  4. E

    Approved Unblock Appeal | Pending PC Check | Jonathan Thomas

    Hi John. Hope you are doing good. Yesterday I was playing Grand RP En 2 and I was blocked from server for the reason "Pending PC Check". (60 days) I had no idea what it meant so I checked game rules but found nothing in them. I then contacted my old fam head "Alkali Pierce " and asked her about...
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