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Search results

  1. Tobi West

    Approved Global Warn Removal | FIB | Protect the Vault | 27/05/2024

    Date and time of the event: 27/05/2024 15:30 The organization that is conducting the event: Federal Investigation Bureau The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event: LEOs have knowledge about a possible breach in the casino's vault from a large gang, they have to defend the...
  2. Tobi West

    Approved Global Warn Removal | Federal Investigation Bureau | VIP Protection Escort | 22/05/2024

    Date and time of the event: 22/05/2024 02:00 The organization that is conducting the event: Federal Investigation Bureau The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event: LEOs have brought a VIP from another country into Los Santos and he has to visit Paleto Bay. LEOs have to...
  3. Tobi West

    Approved Leader Rule 1.9 | FIB | Mall Takeover | 20/05/2024

    Date and time of the event: 20/05/2024 18:00 The organization that is conducting the event: Federal Investigation Bureau The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event: Gangs have decided to take 2 important hostages and are driving from the Clucking Building in Paleto Bay...
  4. Tobi West

    Rejected POV Request | 75395

    Probably my shots didn't register but I would like to see how he is not dead.
  5. Tobi West

    Approved Leader of FIB | Tobi West

    Information 1. Your Name IRL: Pratham 2. Your Age: 19 3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30 4. Average Online per day: 4-8 Hours (more on weekends) 5. Your Discord: tobi_0278 6. Your Nickname: Tobi West 7. Your ID: 151903 Additional Information 1. Leader of... FIB 2.Why do you want to be a leader of this...
  6. Tobi West

    Reviewed POV Request | 149001

    Close please, thank you!
  7. Tobi West

    Rejected POV Request | 151903

    Wrong ID
  8. Tobi West

    Rejected Leader of FIB | Tobi West

    Information 1. Your Name IRL: Pratham 2. Your Age: 19 3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30 4. Average Online per day: 4-8 Hours (more on weekends) 5. Your Discord: tobiwest 6. Your Nickname: Tobi West 7. Your ID: 151903 Additional Information 1. Leader of... FIB 2. Why do you want to be a...
  9. Tobi West

    Rejected MG _ ID 151903 - 53236 - 59994

    I was there from the start mate
  10. Tobi West

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Tobi West | 151903

    Organisation: FIB Name: Tobi West Gender: Male Age: 20 Nationality: American Place of Birth: America Sexuality: Straight Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Tattoo: Left arm and right arm Strengths: Stays calm during stressful situations, friendly to other employees and always trying to help...
  11. Tobi West

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio | Tobi West | 151903

    Organisation: FIB Name: Tobi West Gender: Male Age: 20 Nationality: American Place of Birth: America Sexuality: Straight Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Tattoo: Left arm and right arm Strengths: Stays calm during stressful situations, friendly to other employees and always trying to help...
  12. Tobi West

    Reviewed Pov request | 0000

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