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Search results

  1. Selim Dara

    Rejected GR 3.2 + OOC - 8696

    İngiliz Admin
  2. Selim Dara

    Rejected Valerie Limon

  3. Selim Dara

    Rejected Valerie Limon

    I just said 'amını sikerim'
  4. Selim Dara

    Rejected Valerie Limon

    I didn't swear at his mother here, there was a misunderstanding and I was banned for nothing, I suggest he throw the whole recording.please let justice be done...
  5. Selim Dara

    Rejected Wrong Decision

    I guess I'm the only one who eats warning from vdm :d
  6. Selim Dara

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 7046

    ok knk, discorddan konustugun için sesim net degil anlamaksins
  7. Selim Dara

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 7046

    My voice is not clear because there is noise from behind... -_-
  8. Selim Dara

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 7046

  9. Selim Dara

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 7046

    I didn't curse your mother,In the video, you can hear what and where I cursed, there is no need to do it empty.
  10. Selim Dara

    Approved Multiple rulebreak | 7046

    I warned 4 5 times but they didn't care and I killed them. it was my parents house and i didn't want to give them money
  11. Selim Dara

    Approved Multiple rulebreak | 7046

  12. Selim Dara

    Approved Gen Rule 3.2,16015

    please watch turkish admin, all in pov
  13. Selim Dara

    Rejected RDM,17373

    all in pov
  14. Selim Dara

    Approved RDM|15292,12774

    begins to squeeze without demand,all in pov
  15. Selim Dara

    Rejected RDM

    all in pov
  16. Selim Dara

    Rejected RDM

  17. Selim Dara

    Rejected RDM

    he said leave the field and killed me while running
  18. Selim Dara

    Rejected RDM

    sahayı terk edin dedi ve beni koşarken öldürdü.
  19. Selim Dara

    Rejected All İn POV

  20. Selim Dara

    Rejected gz 1.3 | 7046

    throw away all perspective
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