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Search results

  1. karrar altaqi

    Approved GR 6.8 / 32472

    All in POV
  2. karrar altaqi

    Approved Pov Request | 77497

  3. karrar altaqi

    Rejected Meta Gaming | 24054

  4. karrar altaqi

    Approved State Rule 5.2 , Fail RP and PG | 1241 - 1223 - FIB

    You say you arrested me for illegal weapons Why didn't you take these weapons from me I still have these weapons so I don't think that's the reason for the arrest You don't know the laws You should first give me demands to get out of the car even though you disabled the engine It was also you...
  5. karrar altaqi

    Approved State Rule 5.2 , Fail RP and PG | 1241 - 1223 - FIB

    Hello dear admin Today I was driving my car on the Highway and this policeman stopped me for no reason and said only because of the color of my car at the beginning and he shot me with a taser without giving me demands to get out of the car and he is only one person in one car and he has no...
  6. karrar altaqi

    Rejected Running to GZ

    we kill him when start ti rob him he run to beach market.thx
  7. karrar altaqi

    Rejected wrong punishment I John_spectre

    I was AFK standing in my place and for the whole period I wasnt near my PC. Suddenly when I came back I saw my self in jail because of Fail RP. I could clip only the last 10 minutes as I have it in my Nvidia settings. In the video you can see that I was just standing still the whole time while...
  8. karrar altaqi

    Approved Wrong Punishment | Karl McNuggets

    I got warn by karl when i sleeping in hq someone push me by car and rob me you can see every thng in video
  9. karrar altaqi

    Rejected Fear RP 195

    i got warning [fear rp] by karl wlile im sleeping in hq someone pushed me out of hq by his car can see all things in proofs
  10. karrar altaqi

    Rejected lost my money

    i have 2m in my account when open the game my money is o so i think someone hack my account just i want to know th id of the account that the money transfer to it so please see it for me in logs if you can
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