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    Approved VDM in city | ID : 71598 - 66331

    This guy killed my for no reason.
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    Rejected VDM | ID : 41367 - 41387

    This guys cropped video and get us punished. I waited 3 hours in jail. They said we are VDMing but there is the real uncropped video from our perspective. . And i send a video from their perspective in proofs.
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    Rejected Zema Vis | VDM in city.

    And I want the man who punished us by posting a clipped video to be punished. ( You can see the profs. )
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    Rejected Zema Vis | VDM in city.

    If you watch my friends POV, we are waiting in our house garden for taking our solar panels. My friend tell them to go but they wear armor, guns and yelling some words so we this is why we shoot them. People you punished are have no gun. As you can see their video my friend just walking to him...
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    Rejected Zema Vis | VDM in city.

    Yesterday some people come to our house and try to stole our solar panels. Then we fight them there is the video in disc. My friend her ID is 67349 she dont have the gun and she try to talk him. But this guy kill him. Its okay we dont have problem here. But why my friend get punished for try to...
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    Rejected No reason jail.

    Yesterday some people come to our house and try to stole our solar panels. Then we fight them there is the video in disc. My friend her ID is 67349 she dont have the gun and she try to talk him. But this guy kill him. Its okay we dont have problem here. But why my friend get punished for try to...
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    Approved vdm ıd | 4731

    This person shooting and killing for no reason.
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    Rejected Taxi | ID : 70879

    This is a taxi driver but he dont take people where they go. He is in live now. You can watch the stream at 01:27:33 to 01:35:00
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    Approved VDM in Bar | ID : 35804.

    This guy came and just kill me for no reason when i was playing music in Tequila bar.
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