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Search results

  1. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Blacklist Mazhor Pluxury

    Greetings First of all, I ate blacklist today, but I don't know any reason, I don't use cheats. I have no macro, I was not anti afk. When I looked at the forum, I saw that there was no forum, I request you to forgive me. Pc can be checked, no problem, I did not use anything illegal, please help...
  2. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Unban Appeal Mazhor Pluxury

    Greetings First of all, I ate blacklist today, but I don't know any reason, I don't use cheats. I have no macro, I was not anti afk. When I looked at the forum, I saw that there was no forum, I request you to forgive me. Pc can be checked, no problem, I did not use anything illegal, please help...
  3. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fail Rp - Massrule Break Bloods

    Okey Im talking sierra
  4. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fail Rp - Massrule Break Bloods

    Don't you see there are 3 people until you call me
  5. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fail Rp - Massrule Break Bloods

    If you see the man after calling me, what would it say, where is it before? https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/GTChuMMv4IuwRcjKdQtkcjSKSUUjM2lqsd7g8FZ11UA/https/media.tenor.com/Fg6yYaiGfnEAAAPo/lolol.mp4
  6. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fail Rp - Massrule Break Bloods

    They try to rob me with 3 person
  7. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fail Rp Massrule Break Bloods

    Video show everything
  8. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Patching up and killing instantly | 209449 and 193479

    I don't know what I'm doing because I can't see the pov, thank you for closing the topic also
  9. Ressam Armis

    Approved CL - 77525

  10. Ressam Armis

    Reviewed Fail Rp /77525 140634

    then why aren't the perpetrators of rp punished? :cool::cool:
  11. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Punisher I Unofficial Organization

    it's enough, now, family, But, family Ulan:cool::cool:
  12. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Punisher I Unofficial Organization

    Family But Family Ulannnn:cool::cool::cool::cool:
  13. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Punisher I Unofficial Organization

    family but family Ulannnn :cool::cool::cool::cool:
  14. Ressam Armis

    Approved GR 6.14 | 209449

    I bought the illegal parts that came out in my search, I don't think it's illegal because it's an illegal item.
  15. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Powergaming + FailRP | 134107,175712, 209449

    hello, first of all, there is no crime that I did, the door of the house is open to other people and our ability to enter was open, as they said, I didn't even do a side-cut, why is my id being entered there and also when we entered their house, I was not even given a command. My id 209449
  16. Ressam Armis

    Rejected RDM 150708

    Check pov please
  17. Ressam Armis

    Approved RDM 132862

  18. Ressam Armis

    Approved VDM 88195

    Check pov please
  19. Ressam Armis

    Approved VDM 99301

    chechk pov please
  20. Ressam Armis

    Approved RDM | 232423

    check pov please
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