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Search results

  1. Emoli

    Approved POV request | 0000

    As seen in the video, there was a crowbar in the armor they were wearing and they used it to open the trunk.
  2. Emoli

    Approved GR 3.1 | 44826

    All in pov. Please Turkish admin.
  3. Emoli

    Rejected Time Pass|Abood Ryu

    It's been a long time since the incident.
  4. Emoli

    Approved Event Rule 1.3 | BRIGHT Family

    This video belongs to 661 Saylex Bright. He was removed from the forum.
  5. Emoli

    Approved G.R. 3.2 + G.R. 6.15 | ID 11614

    Her ne kadar türk admin baksa da ne kadar yanlışlıkla söylemiş olsan da sesin oyuna gitmiş kafa tatili yap gel.
  6. Emoli

    Rejected G.R 3.1 G.R 3.2 | 44148

    All in pov. Pls turkısh admin.
  7. Emoli

    Approved VDM | 3455

    All in pov.
  8. Emoli

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Fake Family

    VDM + RDM + G.R 3.1 G.R 3.2 (TURKISH) IDS:1086 3638 777 -------------------------------------------- G.R 3.1 (TURKISH) ID:1086 -------------------------------------------- RDM + G.R 3.2 (TURKISH) ID:1086 -------------------------------------------- G.R 3.2 (TURKISH) ID:1086...
  9. Emoli

    Approved VDM | 49119

    All in pov.
  10. Emoli

    Approved GR 3.1 | 3366

    This forum has not been punished, thank you. https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/455374/
  11. Emoli

    Rejected RDM | 992

  12. Emoli

    Reviewed Pov req | 10422

    I want to see pov.
  13. Emoli

    Rejected Event Rule 1.3 + Helping | 661, 0000

    From the point of view, he's trying to land a helicopter on the guy.
  14. Emoli

    Approved VDM | 6125

    All in pov.
  15. Emoli

    Rejected Bug Abuse | 46795 34958

    You can see that they are trying to make a bug.
  16. Emoli

    Approved RDM | 2617

    All in pov.
  17. Emoli

    Approved Mass Rule Break I Brıght family

    I m dead photo puhahsjsjdkrnrpnrormr
  18. Emoli

    Reviewed Fail RP | Blood Gang

    They hold fewer than 3 people's guns during the robbery, and in some places they don't hold any guns at all, more than 1 person is robbing. Another person wants to take my money, but the person next to me withdraws my money without saying anything. ID: 28682 Ids: 6870 3126 34442 28682 49548...
  19. Emoli

    Approved G.R 6.8 | 34442

    All in pov.
  20. Emoli

    Approved E.R 1.18 | 47992

    All in pov.
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