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  1. Skilyne

    Reviewed Pov req | 67249 , 56761

    I understand that you play without a headset, the only problem is that, other threads are rejected instantly because of this.(audio) Also, as you can see, you wrote the wrong IDs, because we started outside the circle, which can be seen in Jackson's pov. After that, why does the admin ask for...
  2. Skilyne

    Reviewed Pov req | 67249 , 56761

    I don't understand why the admin asked for the POV separately. When there is already one with both IDs visible. And the request should have been rejected in the first place, since there was no audio on the POV of the requester. From then on, it does not meet the requirements of the request.
  3. Skilyne

    Reviewed pov req | 55305

  4. Skilyne

    Reviewed pov req | 55305

    I don't think the person has a POV, because they don't need to.
  5. Skilyne

    Reviewed pov req | 55305

    U cant read right? You are also a toxic kido. Who interrupts animations and plays with disgusting graphics. Accept that you were shot with a long-barreled shotgun. What else did you want to do? You would have received the next hit immediately anyway.
  6. Skilyne

    Reviewed pov req | 55305

  7. Skilyne

    Approved ER 1.18 | The Horde

    I do not know what to say to this. I can't take this all that seriously. On such a basis, I don't see people fighting for a weapons factory in real life. And there are only abandoned tracks in the city, as there are no trains or trams.And in real life, abandoned but built tunnels are often...
  8. Skilyne

    Approved ER 1.18 | The Horde

    We really screwed up. We didn't really realize that we were breaking the rules. So we're waiting for prison.
  9. Skilyne

    Reviewed Mass rule break | The Horde

    One of the videos is not your POV anyway. PG is legit because of the revival, but in the meantime you could see this with bug abuse, so it's a double-edged sword. The VDM is legitimate, but you shot one of the participants for no reason because he was just standing. It's also a double-edged...
  10. Skilyne

    Reviewed Mass rule break | The Horde

    It's about principles, not fear. I know this is difficult for you to understand.
  11. Skilyne

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.13 | 43351

    What are you talking about? Learn to read! 6.13 It is restricted to kill person who is unconscious to help him to avoid RP situation(Mercy killing). | Demorgan 120 min or WARN
  12. Skilyne

    Reviewed VDM, Possible Cheats | 107559

    Anyway, it's nonrp driving when you go offroad with p1(t20) on the mountain side. :)
  13. Skilyne

    Approved UB demands, RDM | 99316

    Another arrogant cop :)
  14. Skilyne

    Rejected gr 3.2 | 39303 110136

    It's worth being here all day for. I wish you a similarly successful life!
  15. Skilyne

    Rejected UB demand | the horde family

    You can not read?
  16. Skilyne

    Rejected UB demand | the horde family

    Congratulations, you managed to ask without context and get a false confirmation.
  17. Skilyne

    Rejected UB demand | the horde family

    - The other thing is, they talk to you, you barely answer. - In this context, family refers to the family on the server (team). Since it is an IC conversation. It's not about your parents. No one's parents were mentioned xD. I don't know if you know the difference between iC and OOC. - If you...
  18. Skilyne

    Rejected UB demand | the horde family

    Many times we are attacked in front of our own HQ. That's why we don't like random people. I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to trade with anyone in a street full of armed men. I think the city is quite big. After all, this is an rp server, I don't think you would do that in real...
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