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  1. Broskis Dempsey

    Rejected Unauthorized car theft/ ID 3912

    nahh, you know you been caught up pretty hard in this one, that’s why you keep commenting down. And like I said before. You just cannot steal a vehicle by sitting in yours. I won’t reply to any further replies mate.
  2. Broskis Dempsey

    Rejected Unauthorized car theft/ ID 3912

    Mate, you rammed the car outta the green zone tho, don’t forget to mention that first lol
  3. Broskis Dempsey

    Rejected Unauthorized car theft/ ID 3912

    before that, he was just ramming the car outta the green zone but unfortunately, I did not have the bodycam on. I tried to talk to him and make him stop, but he refused to listen and kept on pushing it till he stole it without even getting outta his own car.
  4. Broskis Dempsey

    Rejected Unauthorized car theft

    before that, he was just ramming the car outta the green zone but unfortunately, I did not have the bodycam on. I tried to talk to him and make him stop, but he refused to listen and kept on pushing it till he stole it without even getting outta his own car.
  5. Broskis Dempsey

    Approved family insult , dm in city , music on my body | 7072 turkish admin please

    that's the third complain I've seen today about this guy, just woah
  6. Broskis Dempsey

    Approved Trash Talk OOC / 1448

    It's the 7072 again
  7. Broskis Dempsey

    Approved RDM | 7072

    He killed me as well while I was driving for nothing. He is just harrasing people around.
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