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Search results

  1. Drago Ashif

    Approved Leader of NG | Gaur Vercetti

    +1 there is no point of thinking just make him leader best of all he can handle anything if u reject it bro u missed a professional leader
  2. Drago Ashif

    Reviewed Leader of Ballas | Gaur vercetti

    +1 Even Though He Was Not Wrong But He Still Deserve A Second Chance
  3. Drago Ashif

    Approved OOC Insults, Racism | 4186

    he didnt said u any thing Hmmmm....... am i blind/deff because i cant see any OOC Insult / Racism May Be U NEED Some Medical Attention
  4. Drago Ashif

    Approved Leader of Bloods | Captain Rolex

    + best leader all time
  5. Drago Ashif

    Approved Leader of Ballas | Gaur Thrust

    +1 big watch
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