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Search results

  1. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected RDM | ID:80572

    On the right side of the screen is written redzone, which means killing is allowed. This is not the problem of the players
  2. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved Possible Cheats I 94073 , 81578

    illegal reduxe
  3. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved Possible Cheats I 94073 , 81578

    This is the place for the event
  4. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved G.R. 6.8 | 20638

    @Riya Rose
  5. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved G.R. 6.8 | 20638

    all in pov
  6. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected Candy killer 80572

    You don't have a video of when this person killed you ?🤣
  7. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected Zazie Walker

    I did not steal, I just killed him when my friends came Until the presence of my friends steal this person
  8. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved General Rule 1.4 I Pablo Schmidtt

    #give him chance pls
  9. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected NLR + PG | 91813

    He returned to the same place 15 minutes before the time expired
  10. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected NLR + PG | 91813

    Firstly, he returned to the same place before the required time. Secondly, my photography program was suspended and the sound did not work
  11. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved CR | 81578 91392

    Firstly, this is the ghetto, and secondly, I wouldn't hit you with the car
  12. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected NLR + PG | 91813

    He counts 15 minutes ago, and secondly, he takes the weapon from the ground, as he is the bearer of the weapon
  13. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected General Rule 6.15 | Dylan Gomez

  14. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected General Rule 6.15 | Dylan Gomez

    Hello Mr. LeBron I apologize for the inconvenience But to clarify a few things First: We know that the video should be no less than one minute Second: We all know that a person should not speak after death Third: I did not kill him, but the one who killed him was my friend. I only fired Fourth...
  15. Mohamed Tarek

    Reviewed Gn 4.1 | 63146

    close fourm
  16. Mohamed Tarek

    Reviewed Gn 4.1 | 63146

    he is using illegal revo and redux i see it from his Pending review - gen rule 3.2 / ID:75074
  17. Mohamed Tarek

    Reviewed gen rule 3.2 / ID:75074

    he is using illegal revo and redux i see it from his Harry King
  18. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved mercy killing | 14028

    all in pov
  19. Mohamed Tarek

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.24 | 81641

    I dont kill you the guy with me he kill you i told him to dont kill you
  20. Mohamed Tarek

    Approved rdm | 16641,15473

    all in pov
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