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  1. G

    Appreciation to administrators

    1. Your nickname: George Walker 2. The administrator's nickname: Jack Walker 3. The essence of gratitude (claims): Very helpful/friendly and very knowledgeable about OOC and IC rules while also being eager to help.
  2. G

    Reviewed Gen Rule 4.1 I 103692

    Seems to me like a legit player idk what you are on about
  3. G

    Rejected Demorgan For Anti-Afk | Krish Federal

    I feel like the decision is wrong so hopefully i get and answer soon
  4. G

    Rejected Demorgan For Anti-Afk | Krish Federal

    I left my character in my car next to the LSPD hq and left to go do OOC stuff when i came back an hour later i was punished for anti afk, so i wanna see POV of me anti afking if available.
  5. G

    Approved gen rule 6.4 | 38169

    agreed 100%
  6. G

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | George Walker | 85886

    Name: George Walker DOB: 25/04/2000 Gender: Male Nationality: Greek Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Greece Residence: Los Santos Parents: Raised By Parents And At The Age Of 10 Raised By His Grandparents Growing Up: George Walker was born in Greece to loving mother and father but...
  7. G

    Rejected LSPD Corrupt Bio | George Walker | 85886

    Name: George Walker DOB: 25/04/2000 Gender: Male Nationality: Greek Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Greece Residence: Los Santos Parents: Raised By Parents And At The Age Of 10 Raised By His Grandparents Growing Up: George Walker was born in Greece to loving mother and father but...
  8. G

    Approved Biased admin | Ivy Void

    He rejected my forum which in my humble opinion was 100% valid, the person in the POV (of said forum post) left the game to avoid isolation for running outside the cell which would mean he got extra time in jail. (also ignore the type of punishment i had to put one so i could post)
  9. G

    Rejected GEN RULE 6.2 | 8437

    I was processing the id 8437 when he run out of his cell and as soon as the RP didn't go his way (got tased) he left the RP situation.
  10. G

    Rejected GOV Corrupt Bio | Percy Killa | 85736

    agreed... outcome 21 should never be accepted for anyone because it just ruins the experience for the illegal side while allowing him to do whatever
  11. G

    Rejected Demorgan For ER 1.11 | Morgan Pirazev

    also ER 1.11 says "During events with a red circles, all players must be inside a red circle. Shooting outside the zone is forbidden." i was never inside the zone to begin with (so i couldn't have shot from inside to outside)
  12. G

    Rejected Demorgan For ER 1.11 | Morgan Pirazev

    My gang was getting raided so i went to help, Although i was outside the circle so were the LEOS that i shot i shot LEOS that were ONLY outside circle (are you can see from bodycam)
  13. G

    Rejected RDM | 46138

    I was just chilling around bloods HQ during raid when i was shot by legal org officer who i think was outisde the event area without giving me demands and only after he shot me did he give me demands to leave.
  14. G

    Rejected Demorgan + Warning For RDM | Dino Lopes

    Me and my friend wanted to steal the solar panels so we gathered up and gave them 2 warnings 1 warning each (told them to leave or they would be shot after 1 minute) then after that we proceeded to shoot at them after which we both got demorgan and warning for the same reason.
  15. G

    Rejected NG Corrupt Bio | George Walker | 85886

    Name: George Walker DOB: 25/04/2000 Gender: Male Nationality: Greek Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Greece Residence: Los Santos Parents: Raised By Parents And At The Age Of 10 Raised By His Grandparents Growing Up: George Walker was born in Greece to loving mother and father but at the...
  16. G

    Rejected NG Corrupt Bio | George Walker | 85886

    Name: George Walker DOB: 25/04/2000 Gender: Male Nationality: Greek Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Greece Residence: Los Santos Parents: Raised By Parents And At The Age Of 10 Raised By His Grandparents Growing Up: George Walker was born in Greece to loving mother and father but at the...
  17. G

    Approved VDM/CR | 92059

    I was just messing about (lol) when he came rammed me and my vehicle which resulted in my vehicle exploding and me not having a transport.
  18. G

    Approved Gen Rule 6.2 And RDM | ID: 48598

    Sadly I do not have longer bodycam, I used the xbox game bar to record the last 30seconds.
  19. G

    Approved Gen Rule 6.2 And RDM | ID: 48598

    I was at capitol building (i work there) when me and my co-workers heard shots. We followed the sound to the hospital when the person in the bodycam shot at me with no rp reason and after he realised he was going to die he left the game.
  20. G

    Rejected METAGAMING/VDM/FAIL RP | 5756

    This forum post has been under review for 7-8 hours. May i know when i will get my answer? Thank you very much!
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