Player 49348 was being traffic stopped, He proceeded by combat logging when we engine blocked him, He then later came back from a different place and we noticed he changed his clothes. He then refused to stop and we explained to him and shouted see you on gov website saying we meta gamed through...
1. Your name IRL: Joe
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT +00 (London)
4. Average online per day: 5 - 10
5. Your Discord: xNomZx#6059
6. Your Nickname: Dominic Peters
7. Your ID: 17482
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Police Department
2. Why do you want to be a leader...
1. Your name IRL: Joe Gibbins
2. Your age: 26
3. Time zone: GMT +00 (Greenwich Meantime)
4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play: I range from 9:00AM potentially throughout the day to sometimes 2-3AM
5. Average online per day: 6 - 12 hours
6. Your Discord...
As Hollow mentioned, We were tracking wanted criminals and when we tracked we thought there were working at that location and completed did not realise there was an event going on. Being so early in the morning we just didn't realise. ICly we apologised for interrupting as swiftly left the area...
Myself and my officer was driving to a situation and randomly player 112 drove into the side of us without any roleplay interaction then proceeded to pull him firearm from a distance, you can then see him getting back in his vehicle then driving further away to pull out a sniper and instantly...
Myself and my PD unit arrived at NG and we were made aware of a downed suspect as seen in the video
ID 15860 had Code A'ed in the Military base, He relogged and instantly when surrounded by NG and LSPD pulls his revolver and ends his downed friend.
Myself and my PD unit arrived at NG and we were made aware of a downed suspect as seen in the video
ID 15860 had Code A'ed in the Military base, He relogged and instantly when surrounded by NG and LSPD pulls his revolver and ends his downed friend.
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