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Search results

  1. Melo ElChavo

    Approved RDM and FL in RP | 7541 , 17576 , 3935

    It's our family building, we know everyone, it's almost like your father's house, you can't walk around with a gun. There is such a thing as self-defense.
  2. Melo ElChavo

    Approved RDM and FL in RP | 7541 , 17576 , 3935

    You can't come running to my house with a gun in your hand
  3. Melo ElChavo

    Approved RDM and FL in RP | 7541 , 17576 , 3935

    They came to our house with a gun. One of his friends was already talking to us in front of the house. Since they came with a gun beforehand, I shot myself with the instinct of self-protection.
  4. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Mass rule break | Charon Family

    what are you talking about, bro, we're above you tomorrow and I achieved this success in 1 month, don't talk to talk, go and eat your warning
  5. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Mass rule break | Charon Family

    Ben Shawty Ailesinin lideriyim noname :)
  6. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Mass rule break | Charon Family

    Didn't you do anything to get a warning? If your family is so selfish, why did you open your own family?
  7. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Mass rule break | Charon Family

    a family leader's job is to help and influence their members unfortunately the leader of the charon family doesn't welcome them i want them to get family warning they are really pathetic
  8. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Mass rule break | Charon Family

    I really want their members to get a really pathetic punishment while a family leader is there to watch something like this, if she can't lead the family, please transfer it to someone else :)
  9. Melo ElChavo

    Approved ooc insult | 1997

    bitch oc isn't a word don't be jealous because the guy shot you all :D
  10. Melo ElChavo

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.7 I Fstoq pluxury

    hello, I got banned because of the event 1.7 rule, I got the pov of the event, but I didn't save all of them. I don't think I'm doing anything because I don't have space on my computer.I didn't use cheats, if you think I did, you can check pc. I am the leader of an informal family.It seems that...
  11. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Pov Request | 7541

  12. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Pov Request | 7541

    you don't have the right to write here right now, if necessary check pc
  13. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Pov Request | 7541

    I m getting POV in the event but saved for a short time due to insufficient space on my computer. I don't use cheats or bugs. If you think I'm using cheats, you can check the PC.
  14. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Sword Family | RuleBreak RDM | ID : 21185, 1366

    Do you have to kill it just because it's doing vdm? If the guy accidentally does it once, does it become a vdm?
  15. Melo ElChavo

    Approved Sword Family | RuleBreak RDM | ID : 21185, 1366

    a person may be killing, but the other family member with you must warn him/her this is a family warning I would like you to review the rules
  16. Melo ElChavo

    Reviewed Shawty Family | RuleBreak RDM | ID : 7541, 7062, 3625, 11169

    It was our 4th warning, we gave the last warning by provoking and vdm and we killed it, we didn't do anything wrong :)
  17. Melo ElChavo

    Rejected Shawty Family RuleBreak | ID: 7541, 7062, 3625, 11169

    videos to be rejected are less than 1 minute :) NONAME
  18. Melo ElChavo

    Rejected Shawty Family RuleBreak | ID: 7541, 7062, 3625, 11169

    if it was me who broke the rules, i would eat me at that time, not your friend
  19. Melo ElChavo

    Rejected Shawty Family RuleBreak | ID: 7541, 7062, 3625, 11169

    your friend went to demogan, how did you not see it :)
  20. Melo ElChavo

    Rejected Shawty Family RuleBreak | ID: 7541, 7062, 3625, 11169

    When the admin came, he watched and saw everything, I warned him 3 times
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