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  1. C

    Reviewed Ban for GR 6.8 | Ethan Martines

    Hello, what was stated above is true, we were all just having a laugh and nobody meant to cause any type of harm as he didn't know that it wasnt ethical- please give him a second chance for his one-time mistake.
  2. C

    Rejected RDM / 4240 & 90884

    All in POV, we couldn't hear what the two were saying as seen in the evidence and got RDM'd without cause or reasoning
  3. C

    Rejected Update On Gen 1.9 Ban | Magnes_Haste

    Hello Administrators, Sorry for taking up your time but i was told that i would be unbanned quite some time ago and i am still banned. Can something be done to resolve this quickly please? i miss the city and my friends in the city Thank you again and so sorry for taking up your time
  4. C

    Reviewed ban For gr 1.9 | Magnes Haste

    I got ban for 60 days for gr-1.9 It is forbidden to evade our systems of selling/buying. If you evading TAX(e.g. selling/buying/trading house/items/cars/clothes for 1k and then taking money) and i am really sorry the mistake done by me and i apologies and i dont know the rule before thats why i...
  5. C

    Rejected Banned for Gr 1.9

    I was given a 60-day suspension for gr.1.9 Avoiding our selling/buying systems is prohibited. If you are evading taxes (e.g., by selling, buying, trading, or purchasing a house, an item, a car, or clothing for $1,000 and then receiving payment), I sincerely apologise for the error that I made...
  6. C

    Rejected Banned for gen 1.9/ Magnes_Haste

    i truly did not mean for this to occur, i just wanted to enjoy my friends vehicle whilst he was out of the city. i do not mind having my money wiped as punishment for this but please could my appeal be reviewed and potentially resolved
  7. C

    Rejected Banned for gen 1.9/ Magnes_Haste

    ive just been informed that my ban is due to an item being sold for $1000, i was not aware that this was not allowed. The reasoning for the item and money being transferred from his bank to mine and his account to mine was because my friend was going on holiday and i wanted to enjoy the car...
  8. C

    Rejected Banned for gen 1.9/ Magnes_Haste

    Above is proof of my punishment for gen 6.2
  9. C

    Rejected Banned for gen 1.9/ Magnes_Haste

    Hello, I hope this finds you well. I am writing this to respectfully appeal for a consideration of my account ban. I understand that there might be reasons for my banning but i genuinely believe that there has been a misunderstanding. I was banned for gen 1.9, It is forbidden to evade our...
  10. C

    Rejected Discord server unban request

    apologies for the wait. my discord ID is 931631205076578414 Thanks
  11. C

    Rejected Discord server unban request

    Hello, My discord ID is Idkay#7232 it could also be nonsyz as they are the same account Thanks
  12. C

    Rejected Discord server unban request

    Dear Moderators/Admins, Hello, hope you read this and are well and healthy. My reasoning for writing this letter is due to my behaviour resulting in the ban of my access to the discord server. I understand that my actions were disruptive to the community and i apologise for my actions. I...
  13. C

    Rejected Discord Server Unban Request

    Dear Moderators/Admins, Hello, hope you read this and are well and healthy. My reasoning for writing this letter is due to my behaviour resulting in the ban of my access to the discord server. I understand that my actions were disruptive to the community and i apologise for my actions. I...
  14. C

    Unban Request from discord server

    Dear Moderators/Admins, Hello, hope you read this and are well and healthy. My reasoning for writing this letter is due to my behaviour resulting in the ban of my access to the discord server. I understand that my actions were disruptive to the community and i apologise for my actions. I...
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