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Search results

  1. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Bann für Cheats | Dylan Schnapp/ Jackson Clark | 8497

    Dear Server-Team, First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior, Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away, But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future! What happened? On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC check which I...
  2. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected unban 8497

    Dear Server-Team, Dear Mazhor, First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior, Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away, But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future! What happened? On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC...
  3. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Unban Mariusz Hash | 8497 @mazhor

    Dear Server-Team, Dear Mazhor, First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior, Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away, But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future! What happened? On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC...
  4. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected 2x Cheater unban Mariusz Hash | 8497

    Dear Server-Team, Dear Mazhor, First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior, Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away, But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future! What happened? On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC...
  5. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Bannend 2x Cheater @Mazhor

    Dear Server-Team, Dear Mazhor, First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior, Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away, But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future! What happened? On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC...
  6. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Unban appeal | 8497

    Good evening, On 11.08.2022 I ( Mariusz Hash | 8497 ) was banned by Dylan Schnapp because I have refused a PC Check, since this was completely without meaning since I was at the last time actually only with people and RP have made, in my opinion, the PC Check had rather personal reasons since I...
  7. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Antrag für Geschlechtsumwandlung

    Bewerbung für einen weiblichen Charakter Sehr geehrtes Admin-Team, hiermit bewerbe ich mich für die Rolle eines weiblichen Charakters. IC-Informationen ♦ Tarik White ♦ ID: 35321 ♦ Organisation: / Biografie ♦ Woher kommt dein Charakter? Mein Charakter stammt ursprünglich aus Hamburg...
  8. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Transgender Antrag | Tarik Zero

    IC Informationen Dead-Name (aktueller Name): Tarik Zero Neuer Name: Chantal Zero Reisepass Nummer (ID):35321 Visumstufe: 5 OOC Informationen : Alter: 26 Transgenderantrag von Tarik Zero Vorgeschichte: Tarik wuchs in einer kleinen Stadt nähe Los Santos auf. Tarik war nie besonders gut in der...
  9. Dr. Miyagi

    Approved RDM | 48927

    Beschwerde Grund: RDM Suspect ID: 49827 Beweis: Was ist passiert?: Ich hab mich Unterhalten und wurde Dreist umgeballert. Mfg. Mr. Clean
  10. Dr. Miyagi

    Approved Abuse of admin rights, interference in RP events by a transformation.

    My family, the 18th Street Gang, had raided the family "Die Bergers" yesterday and unfortunately we had to realize within the raid that the admin rights were abused there. Suddenly, in different time intervals transformed people as dogs came into the raid. Here, due to the frequency of two...
  11. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Ausnutzen der Adminrechte, Eingreifen in das RP-Geschehen durch eine Verwandlung | ID 0000

    Meine ID: 8497 ID (+ Name) der Person: ID 0000 / ID 0000 Videomaterial: https://streamable.com/kz0s30 https://streamable.com/i8b603 Beschwerdengrund: Ausnutzen der Adminrechte, Eingreifen ins RP-Geschehen durch eine Verwandlung Was ist passiert?: Meine Familie, die 18th Street Gang...
  12. Dr. Miyagi

    Rejected Bewerbung zum Administrator.

    Informationen 1.Dein Reallife Name: Marius 2. Dein Alter: 26 3. Zeitzone: MEZ Berlin 4. Durchschnittlich online pro Tag: an Wochentagen zwischen ca. 6 Stunden, am Wochenende Openend 5. Discord Name: uFF.Mariusz #8917 6. Dein Nickname: Mariusz Miyagi 7. Deine ID: 8497 Zusätzliche Informationen...
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