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Rejected Bann für Cheats | Dylan Schnapp/ Jackson Clark | 8497

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Your ID
Players nickname
Mariusz Hash
Administrators nickname
Dylan Schnapp
Aug 11, 2022

Dr. Miyagi

Inoff. Fam Lead
Oct 5, 2021
Dear Server-Team,

First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior,
Of course, I can't make things that have happened go away,
But what I can do is promise that I will change my behavior in the future!

What happened?

On 11.08.2022 I was invited by Dylan Schnapp to the PC check which I refused, because in my opinion there was no reason for it.
Thereupon I was excluded for 60 days which I also accepted for the time being.
I then played for a month on my Twink until I came to the rarely stupid idea on 17.09.2022 with No Clip to fly through the prison and make a ticket with the message "I cheat please ban me" whereupon I then received from Jackson Clark a permanent exclusion from the project.

Why should I be unbanned?

First of all, I am aware of what I did, I see my mistakes and I have learned from them.
I have been playing on GrandRP for quite some time now and really enjoy being here with my friends as I have known some for quite some time. I know this is no excuse for the actions I have done and I regret doing it.

All I am asking for is a time reduction on my ban or a complete removal as I know I did wrong and should never ruin RP for other players. I know better and will do better from now on as I have learned from this.
I hope for another chance

with kind regards
Mariusz Hash | 8497
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