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Search results

  1. M

    Rejected Fear RP | ID : 29386

    xd 2 aiming guns
  2. M

    Approved RDM ID - 2051

    rdm in gz and shooting from gz pov showing
  3. M

    Rejected RDM ID - 2051

    rdm in gz and shooting from gz pov showing....!
  4. M

    Rejected MK ID -7851

    mercy kill pov showing
  5. M

    Rejected Wrong Decision / Raymond Bishop

    + she post forum on 4:00 u checked forum in same time can i know how this happen??!!..
  6. M

    Rejected Wrong Decision / Raymond Bishop

    forum showing
  7. M

    Approved Fail Rp ID - 266613

    he took my debt without saying i will take ur debt
  8. M

    Approved F Word + Racist ID - 150 . 5848

    not about calling about how way u talking
  9. M

    Approved F Word + Racist ID - 150 . 5848

    ok nice
  10. M

    Approved F Word + Racist ID - 150 . 5848

    second pov is how racist he is
  11. M

    Approved F Word + Racist ID - 150 . 5848

    150 SAID F WORD 5848 u can see how the way he was talking povs showing everything
  12. M

    Rejected GN 3.2 ID - 15067

    i was going to work in debt collecter but i couldnt they was chasing me and i told them stop provoking me and as u can hear them talking f.. u and 15067 insulted my mom 2 times
  13. M

    Approved CR ID - 55863

    CR both of them did cr i died from cr pov showing
  14. M

    Approved Gen 1.1- by Alex Pluxury

    rockstar https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/motaz_issaA12/
  15. M

    Approved Gen 1.1- by Alex Pluxury

    mr mazhor this is pov of how i log into rockstar my steam is verfiyed with rockstar when i open game it automaticly sign in
  16. M

    Approved Gen 1.1- by Alex Pluxury

    mr mazhor im really sorry this is wrong social club i thought my rockstar email is same steam email but its not i will show u how i log into rockstar
  17. M

    Approved Gen 1.1- by Alex Pluxury

    hello mazhor this is first rockstar games link https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/moayadissa123/
  18. M

    Approved GN 6.8 ID -92621

    spitting every thing in pov
  19. M

    Approved Gen 1.1- by Alex Pluxury

    my sec rockstar account
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