( Pending review - Broke rule ID:10863 and Admin issue ) location of my topic. I didn't want to mess it up forum by doing it again. but if. I will write again if necessary. I've been in the game for 6 days and I'm broadcasting, I'm tired of encountering such events. You are giving authority to...
This video have Proofs ID:10863 and It shows the behavior of the admin.
RDM / VDM / Meta and Ghosting (Im Streamer twitch]aleashea if you want to see full video) and there are many rules violations. this player has done it before without caring. Despite my warning, if I enter the game tomorrow...
im not complain corrrupt role this is not mal thin and olease learn math this hapen 2 day ago 28/2 night i send it 02/03 morning. 28/2 after come 01/03 after 02/03 it's that simple (one day 24 hour). if he right you say "we buddy" okey dont try to try to fool man. If admin dont do anything and...
I realy not too much care RP rule break right now. i said him "i report you admin"; he answer me " i dont care do it i have buddy ". I dont know how to work your server. Before I managed Ultima Online Turkey offical, i know that enough to player permanent banned. Off-topic, many of your players...
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