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  1. M

    Approved FailRP FearRP MG | 116141 270898

    ong bro thinks hes an admin haha
  2. M

    Approved FailRP FearRP MG | 116141 270898

    bro said nice meta gaming when ppl from familles started shooting at them haha bro killed me for having tourettes
  3. M

    Approved FailRP FearRP MG | 116141 270898

    they got tired of having to review his stuff every 2 seconds so they probably forum ban him again
  4. M

    Approved FailRP FearRP MG | 116141 270898

    didnt dizzle get banned hahahaha
  5. M

    Rejected RDM | 116141, 270898

    bro really be meat riding. they jumped out and started blicking haha
  6. M

    Rejected RDM | 116141, 270898

  7. M

    Rejected Mixing and metagaming | 270898

    yh but u cant talk until u call ambulance buddy which means u bug abused to talk
  8. M

    Rejected Mixing and metagaming | 270898

    u have bug abused buddy
  9. M

    Rejected Mixing and metagaming | 270898

    you are bug abusing pretty sure thats a ban if i remember
  10. M

    Rejected RDM & Provoking - 253439 / 1635

    ay i just came there to arrest the PD officer Ray chi but i guess he's on vacation
  11. M

    Approved OOC insult | 258836

    literally said i like little kids
  12. M

    Rejected RDM | 260484

    still rdm i might get metagaming but thaTS rdm
  13. M

    Approved RDM | 260484

    All in pov went to go get something out my car and got rdmed for nothing
  14. M

    Rejected RDM | 260484

    All in pov got him rdming my friend
  15. M

    Approved OOC insult | 258836

    Here is another thread where someone called someone a pedophile https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/327816/#post-1177679
  16. M

    Approved OOC insult | 258836

    all in pov he called me a pedo and said i like kids
  17. M

    Approved rdm | 289221

    all in pov
  18. M

    Approved Provoking I ID 1635, 270898

    what do u mean no rp reason last i checked there are many houses in that neighbour hood and plus that is a public road so if i wanna drive down it i can
  19. M

    Approved RDM | 17764

    ok i may be metagaming but u still RDMED me in city without demands all in pov
  20. M

    Approved RDM | 250714

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