Links of bodycams and multiple SS:
SS of late message many minutes after 1st removal:
2nd removal from org and messages with Commander Andy on 2nd removal:
Hello, I am Ben Colt, former Staff Sergeant of SAHP. I have recently received 2 instances of fail RP from Mr. Phil Roberts, the current Sheriff of SAHP, on the basis of OOC removal from the org. To start the scenario of the first bodycam link, I was returning from a failed subs event when I was Non-RP contacted to speak on discord to Mr. Roberts. Following multiple Code A's (as seen in footage), I returned to HQ when rejoining the server. As I returned, I messaged Mr. Roberts using Non-RP radio chat for SAHP informing him I was at HQ and had returned to speak IC. A mere few seconds after sending the message I received the message stating "You were fired from the organization" (0:14). After this message, I am later contacted multiple minutes AFTER my termination (0:17) by Mr. Roberts stating his reasons for my removal as shown in the 1st SS. In the following bodycam, you can see it is many minutes later (0:25) and a Commander named Andy M. and a Captain named Richard A. proceeded to reinvite me to the Org of SAHP in a likely order from Mr. Roberts to clean up his recent mistakes of his OOC removal (I was given no reason for reinstatement IC by the two men). In the footage, I accept the invite then request an LOA temporary to speak to a newly invited Court Meeting involving other poorly treated former members of SAHP due to Mr. Robert's actions. In the following 2nd SS link, you can see just a few minutes after arriving at the official Gov. court discord meeting and ingame Capital (shown in background), I flex my "M' muscle and notice that it is displaying that I am no longer in an organization, proving another OOC removal from the org, without warning nor reason by Mr. Robert's orders, making him commit this Fail-Rp scenario for a second time within nearly 20 minutes. Upon further questioning to Commander Andy on my second removal, I state "I got fired again" in which Commander Andy responds, "yea he told me to do so" for the reason "cause he saw u in the court room" claiming Mr. Roberts scenario and workplace is "driving [him] crazy" as seen in the 2nd SS link below. Mr. Roberts rationale to fire me a second time for simply using the courtroom discord shows the complete lack of leadership and the corruption he has instated within SAHP which is displayed by these two OOC removals from the org.
Hello, I am Ben Colt, former Staff Sergeant of SAHP. I have recently received 2 instances of fail RP from Mr. Phil Roberts, the current Sheriff of SAHP, on the basis of OOC removal from the org. To start the scenario of the first bodycam link, I was returning from a failed subs event when I was Non-RP contacted to speak on discord to Mr. Roberts. Following multiple Code A's (as seen in footage), I returned to HQ when rejoining the server. As I returned, I messaged Mr. Roberts using Non-RP radio chat for SAHP informing him I was at HQ and had returned to speak IC. A mere few seconds after sending the message I received the message stating "You were fired from the organization" (0:14). After this message, I am later contacted multiple minutes AFTER my termination (0:17) by Mr. Roberts stating his reasons for my removal as shown in the 1st SS. In the following bodycam, you can see it is many minutes later (0:25) and a Commander named Andy M. and a Captain named Richard A. proceeded to reinvite me to the Org of SAHP in a likely order from Mr. Roberts to clean up his recent mistakes of his OOC removal (I was given no reason for reinstatement IC by the two men). In the footage, I accept the invite then request an LOA temporary to speak to a newly invited Court Meeting involving other poorly treated former members of SAHP due to Mr. Robert's actions. In the following 2nd SS link, you can see just a few minutes after arriving at the official Gov. court discord meeting and ingame Capital (shown in background), I flex my "M' muscle and notice that it is displaying that I am no longer in an organization, proving another OOC removal from the org, without warning nor reason by Mr. Robert's orders, making him commit this Fail-Rp scenario for a second time within nearly 20 minutes. Upon further questioning to Commander Andy on my second removal, I state "I got fired again" in which Commander Andy responds, "yea he told me to do so" for the reason "cause he saw u in the court room" claiming Mr. Roberts scenario and workplace is "driving [him] crazy" as seen in the 2nd SS link below. Mr. Roberts rationale to fire me a second time for simply using the courtroom discord shows the complete lack of leadership and the corruption he has instated within SAHP which is displayed by these two OOC removals from the org.