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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Nemanja Domanovic
Administrators nickname
Darren Miller
Sep 10, 2021
I dont have any screenshots, explained in the message.

Nemanja Domanovic

Sep 10, 2021
I am submitting this complaint, this time with correct design and form.

Yesterday, on september 10th, i was sent to demorgan and gotten a warning for fear RP. The situation is that i was near prison, and some people started shooting at me, as my speakers were off, i couldnt hear anything that they were saying, and i just started running towards my car, which was parked in parking lot in front of prison, which is green zone.
I understand that i did Fail RP, and there is nothing wrong with that, i just wanted to see if this is such a big offense for a warning, specially considering that this is my first offense like that, and also i am well behaving citizen, and was a member of goverment organization, of course before this warn which kicked me out of organization imidiatelly after.
I dont have any screenshots, as I know i did something that is not allowed under general rule, but i am only asking for you to, if possible remove my warn if that is not considered a offense for a warning, therefore allowing me to return to my organization. With kind regards

Darren Miller

May 25, 2021
hello i just want to start by saying you failed to accept medical care from them when they shot you untill the point when i appeared and informed you that failing to accept medical care will result in you going to jail you then accepted the heal and proceeded to run into a Green Zone (prison parking) running away from 2 admins you claim your speakers were not on at the time but once i informed you not accepting heal will result in jail time you accepted so i feel this claim is false
the rules broken is as follows
general rule
6.2 It is forbidden to leave the RP situation by refusing to continue the RP situation, not accepting / refusing first aid, leaving the game, AFK or entering in an interior and etc. | WARN

5.2 All players must be adequate while communicating with the administration. In case of disagreement with the decision of the administration - leave the complaint for consideration to the chief administrator.

Green Zone Rule

1.3 It is forbidden to leave RP situation by joining in a green zone/ Warn

Nemanja Domanovic

Sep 10, 2021
No, really my speakers were not on, it is by accident that i accepted medical care at that moment, as i couldnt even see you and the second admin that were there, if i could actually hear and i had my speakers on, of course i would continue RP situation.
I get that i broke rules, but would really like to you to excuse this situation because of circumstanced it was under.
I had an important IRL private thing that went on during that moment, and that is only reason why my speakers werent on and i couldnt hear anyone. Once again really sorry for breaking rules, but i would like to be able to join my org again, thank you.

Darren Miller

May 25, 2021
as per rule 6.2 It is forbidden to leave the RP situation by refusing to continue the RP situation, not accepting / refusing first aid, leaving the game, AFK or entering in an interior and etc. | WARN
1.3 It is forbidden to leave RP situation by joining in a green zone/ Warn

the punishment is a warn do you have pov to prove that you didnt see the admins present?

Lebron Pluxury

Gang Unit
Curator of the project
Apr 30, 2021
Good afternoon. Unfortunately I will not remove your warning as it is quite a serious offence. Closed!
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