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May 11, 2022

Name :Fatko Russo
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: White
Nationality: Albanian
Place of Birth: Albania
Father: Kent Russo
Mother: Alba Russo
Sexuality: Straight
Weight:86 kg
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Arms, chest and back
Strengths: Skilled shooter
Weakness: Greedy


Fatko had a very rough life growing up with an abusive father, constantly scared and always feeling alone. When Fatko was young he saw this as him being weak but as he got older he turned it around into strength not knowing where he would end up. So he let his fate guide him thru the life waves.

Teenage Years
Moving away from home to join the army at 19 Fatko learned the basics in how hard life could really be this changed him training every day, to be the best he could be as well as finally finding a place he felt he belonged he learned to fight for what he believed in and the importance of being a part of the squad and moving as a unit they weren't just a team for him they were family and this changed his life for the better.

Present Day
Now 23 years old and in Los Santos Fatko was enjoying his life and had made a rather comfortable living as a soldier in the National Guard after a year of hard work using the skills he gained from the army.
He also found a family that is feeling really comfortable with. Charlie, the family boss helped him thru a lot of problems Fatko has, so he still feels in debt to Charlie and his family. His past is still following him even these days, he is not feeling fulfilled anymore with only the NG so he wants to get back and do criminal stuff for his ego and also to help the family.

Fatko’s outcomes

1. Fatko can let suspects go free if they're in his family and aid them in escaping
2. Fatko can take bribes
3. Will use any gun, illegal or legal, on duty or off duty
4. Will have illegal or legal guns in his trunk
5. Will buy and sell illegal weapons in order to help his family and work
6. Will be able to work with criminals/informants to be able to pay for information
7. Can use drugs
8. Can have any tattoos
9. Can rob/shoot people in the ghetto
10. Fatko can be part of criminal events with his family​


Floki Vilgeroarson

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Jun 19, 2021
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